A plataform to find jobs global and remote jobs
Running in production here
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file (all in .env.example)
Note: It cannot be .env.local, the file should be .env (or prisma will not read it properly)
: The URL of your project (in product that will need to change to current project address) -
= A random string used in Next Auth encryptation (I think so) -
Google variabes: The providers used in next-auth (feel free to add another provides).. .the explanation to get those values is on next-auth documentation
Postgrees Variables: Check here how to get this values... but here are a printscreen with the righ place

Clone the project
Install dependencies
npm install
- Push database and generate Prisma Client
npx prisma db push
- Start the project
npm run dev
Client: NextJS (13), TypeScript, React, TailwindCSS
Server: Postgrees, Prisma