Mezeze is a Bash script designed for AWS and Kubernetes environment management, including automated user creation, AWS CLI configuration, kubeconfig updates, kubectl aliases setup, and fzf installation.
- User Creation and Setup: Automates the creation of a new user and configures their environment for AWS and Kubernetes.
- AWS CLI Configuration: Sets up the AWS CLI for the newly created user.
- Kubeconfig Management: Automatically updates kubeconfig for specified EKS clusters.
- Kubectl Aliases: Adds useful kubectl aliases to the user's
. - FZF Installation: Installs fzf, a command-line fuzzy finder.
- The script checks for its latest version at startup and prompts for an update if a newer version is available.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed and configured on your system:
Bash: A Unix shell and command language. Available by default on Linux and macOS. More about Bash.
Curl: A command-line tool for transferring data with URLs. Installing Curl.
AWS CLI: The Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface is used for interacting with AWS services.
- Installation: Installing the AWS CLI.
- Configuration: Configuring the AWS CLI.
Kubectl: A command-line tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters.
- Installation: Installing kubectl.
- Ensure that it's configured to interact with your Kubernetes cluster.
Git: Required for cloning the repository and managing versions.
Internet Connection: Required for downloading necessary files, updates, and interacting with remote services like AWS and Kubernetes clusters.
- EC2 Metadata Tool: If you are running the script on an AWS EC2 instance, this tool is used to fetch AWS region and environment information. Typically, it's pre-installed on AWS EC2 instances.
- Ensure that your user account has the necessary permissions to perform operations like installing software, configuring AWS CLI, and managing Kubernetes clusters.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Run the Script:
cd mezeze;
chmod +x;
./ <username> <region> <environment>
Replace <username>
, <region>
, and <environment>
with appropriate values.
- Update Prompt: The script will prompt for updates if a new version is available.
To access the help menu for detailed usage instructions, run:
./ --help
graph TD
A[Start Script] --> B[Check for updates]
B -->|Update Available| C[Ask to Update]
B -->|No Update or Unable to Connect| D1[Validate '--help' or '-h']
C -->|Yes to Update| E[Attempt Update Script]
C -->|No Update| D1
E -->|Update Failed or Unable to Connect| F[Ask to Proceed Without Update]
E -->|Update Successful| G[Exit after Update]
F -->|Proceed| D1
F -->|Exit| H[Exit Script]
D1 -->|Help Requested| D2[Show Usage and Exit]
D1 -->|No Help Request| D3[Check Argument Count]
D3 -->|Insufficient Args| D2
D3 -->|Valid Args| D4[Validate Username Format]
D4 -->|Invalid Username| I[Error: Invalid Username and Exit]
D4 --> J[Set Username, Region, Environment]
J --> K[Check if User Exists]
K -->|User Exists| L[Ask to Update kubeconfig]
K -->|New User| M[Create New User]
L -->|Yes to Update kubeconfig| N[Continue]
L -->|No Update| O[Exit]
M --> N
N --> P[Check if Region is Set]
P -->|Region Not Set| Q[Error: Region Not Set and Exit]
P --> R[Update kubeconfig for EKS Clusters]
R --> S1[Check Kubernetes Aliases File]
S1 -->|File Exists| S2[Ask to Overwrite Aliases]
S1 -->|No File| S3[Create Aliases File]
S2 -->|Yes to Overwrite| S3
S2 -->|No Overwrite| S4[Skip Alias Creation]
S3 --> S4[Alias File Created or Updated]
S4 --> T1[Check if .bashrc Sources .k8s_aliases]
T1 -->|Not Sourced| T2[Update .bashrc]
T1 -->|Already Sourced| T3[Skip .bashrc Update]
T2 --> T3[.bashrc Updated]
T3 --> U1[Check if fzf Installed]
U1 -->|fzf Installed| U2[Ask to Remove fzf]
U1 -->|fzf Not Installed| U3[Ask to Install fzf]
U2 -->|Yes to Remove| U4[Remove fzf and Update .bashrc]
U2 -->|No Removal| U5[Skip fzf Changes]
U3 -->|Yes to Install| U6[Install fzf and Update .bashrc]
U3 -->|No Install| U5
U4 --> U5[fzf Removed]
U6 --> U5[fzf Installed]
U5 --> V[Script Execution Completed]
participant S as Script
participant U as User
participant F as Functions
S->>S: Start
S->>F: Check for Updates
alt Update Available
F->>U: Prompt for Update
U->>F: User Choice
alt Yes to Update
F->>S: Attempt Update Script
alt Update Successful
S->>S: Exit
else Update Failed or Unable to Connect
F->>U: Ask to Proceed Without Update
U->>F: User Decision
alt Proceed
S->>F: Validate Input
else Exit
S->>S: Exit Script
else No Update
S->>F: Validate Input
else No Update or Unable to Connect
S->>F: Validate Input
F->>U: Get User Input
alt Valid Input
U->>F: Input Provided
F->>S: Set Parameters
S->>F: Check User Existence
alt User Exists
F->>S: Update kubeconfig
else New User
F->>S: Create User
S->>S: Script Completion
else Invalid Input
F->>S: Show Usage and Exit
For issues, feature requests, or assistance, please open an issue in the repository.
- Report by opening a new issue; it's that easy!
๐ Crafting the Perfect Bug Report in Mezeze:
Quick Summary: Start with a brief overview. Set the stage for the issue you encountered.
Reproduction Steps:
- Clearly list steps to recreate the bug.
- Include code samples if you have them; they're like secret maps to the bug.
Expectation vs. Reality:
- What you thought would happen.
- What actually happened.
Extra Notes:
- Any theories or fixes you tried? Share them! They help in our cloud journey.
Simple, clear reports help us make Mezeze even better for navigating the clouds!
This project is released under the MIT License.
Pavel Rozentsvet |
Guy Elkayam |