This project is a temperature sensor that can visually alert the user when the temperature gets outside of a specific range.
I am fairly new to Arduino and C++ programming (although I am a programmer), so the code here is liable not to be best practice (or even good), but I'm learning as I go, so it should get better.
- 1 x Arduino Nano Every [A1]
- 1 x GND-5021BS [U1]
- 1 x 61 x WS2812 RGB LED Ring Lamp [NOT CURRENTLY SHOWN]
- 1 x SPST Momentary switch [SW2]
- 1 x 10K Variable resistor with switch [SW1] [RV1]
- 8 x 470R resistors [R1 - R8]
- 1 x 10K NTC Thermistor bead [TH1]
- 1 x 10K resistor [R9]
- [SW1] is used to switch the device on or off
- [RV1] is used to control the brightness of the LED ring
- [TH1] is used to provide the current temperature and is used with [R9] to work like a variable resistor
- [R1 - R8] are used as current-limiting resistors to protect the seven segment displays
- [U1] is a dual seven segment display but only uses 10 pins as it has digit selector pins and is used to display the current temperature for 3 seconds when [SW2] is pressed
- [A1] is the heart of the system and drives everything else
- [NOT CURRENTLY SHOWN] The LED ring is used underneath a diffuser to light up under certain configurations
- White LEDs are always on to provide a night light function
- Blue LEDs flash when the temperature is below 14°C to indicate it is very cold
- Blue LEDs on permanently when temperature is between 14°C and 16°C to indicate it is cold
- Red LEDs on permanently when temperature is between 20°C and 22°C to indicate it is hot
- Red LEDs flash when the temperature is above 22°C to indicate it is very hot