This repository is a fork of the original PlantNet-300k repository that was used to produce the benchmark in the paper "Pl@ntNet-300K: a plant image dataset with high label ambiguity and a long-tailed distribution".
The publicly available code and dataset was used in a study project as part of my masters degree in Data Science. My final examination paper can be found in the file examination_plantnet_300k_optimizations_MoE.pdf. The Jupyter Notebook plantnet_300k_ensemble_MoE contains most of the additional code I created. I also implemented some changes in the files, and All changes are commented as "# start of my additional code" and end with "# end of my additional code". Additional information can also be found in the original repository.
In order to train a model on the PlantNet-300K dataset, you first have to download the dataset on Zenodo.
You can find the pre-trained models here. To load the pre-trained models, you can simply use the load_model function in For instance, if you want to load the resnet18 weights:
from utils import load_model
from torchvision.models import resnet18
filename = 'resnet18_weights_best_acc.tar' # pre-trained model path
use_gpu = True # load weights on the gpu
model = resnet18(num_classes=1081) # 1081 classes in Pl@ntNet-300K
load_model(model, filename=filename, use_gpu=use_gpu)
Note that if you want to fine-tune the model on another dataset, you have to change the last layer. You can find examples in the get_model function in
Only pytorch, torchvision are necessary for the code to run. If you have installed anaconda, you can run the following command:
conda env create -f plantnet_300k_env.yml
In order to train a model on the PlantNet-300K dataset, run the following command:
python --lr=0.01 --batch_size=32 --mu=0.0001 --n_epochs=30 --epoch_decay 20 25 --k 1 3 5 10 --model=resnet18 --pretrained --seed=4 --image_size=256 --crop_size=224 --root=path_to_data --save_name_xp=xp1
You must provide in the "root" option the path to the train val and test folders. The "save_name_xp" option is the name of the directory where the weights of the model and the results (metrics) will be stored. You can check out the different options in the file