All codes are using the same Dog Facts API. Its documentation is available on this link.
These codes were written in V: a powerful, simple, fast, safe, compiled language with its compilation time close to zero second. V's net and json library makes it possible to write the API getting method and JSON deserialization in 10 lines!
struct Fact {
fact string
// getting the JSON containing the facts
resp := http.get('' + number.str()) or {
eprintln('Failed to fetch data from the server')
// deserializing the JSON with the []Fact structure, giving back a []Fact structure
mut facts := json.decode([]Fact, resp.text) or {
eprintln('Failed to parse json')
Yout can find V language here.
Since V is a compiled language, it produces a binary file for your OS to run. V translates to C and then compiles the C code.
You can clone the compiler's repository from this link.
For the UI code to be compiled, get the UI library from this link.
The Web library is already included in the compliler's repository but you can get some examples from this link.
Simply compile and run the code then enter the number of facts you want to get.
// reads the number from console then adds it to the end of the API url
number := input('Enter the number of facts: ')
// then it prints out every fact to the console
for fact in facts {
println((facts.index(fact) + 1).str() + ':\n$fact.fact\n')
Same as the console one, compile and run the code then enter the number of facts you want to get to the text box then click the button.
struct App {
window &ui.Window
number string
// stores the number in the UI's struct
max_len: 20
placeholder: 'Number of facts'
text: &app.number
is_focused: true
text: 'GIVE ME A FACT'
onclick: btn_fact_click
// calls for this function on button click getting th UI's struct with its variables
// and gives you the fact in a message box
fn btn_fact_click(mut app App, b voidptr) {
for fact in facts {
ui.message_box((facts.index(fact) + 1).str() + ':\n$fact.fact')
Hosts a form on your localhost with port 8082, open it with a browser then enter the number of facts then hit the enter key on your keyboard.
<!--gets the number from the input field then posts it to the app-->
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/facts" style="padding: 10px">
<label for="number">Number of facts:</label><br>
<input type="text" id="number" name="number">
['/facts'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) facts() vweb.Result {
// prints to the console whenever someone visits the page
lock app.state {
println('Someone visited at: $')
// does the same get method and deserialization
return $vweb.html()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
<body style="...">
<h1 style="...">Dog Facts</h1>
<!--reincludes the form if you want to make another api call
@include 'header.html'
<!--creates a list with the facts if no error occured-->
@if errorb
<div style="...">Your facts:</div>
@for returnval in returnvals
<li style="...">@returnval</li>
<p>Error: @{returnvals[0]}</p>