While developing Andorid apps, I gathered the functionalities which were repeatedly used and kept them in a utility class. The number of these functions grew, in addition there was need to manage the “Permissions” in a clean easy way. Therefore, I created a library which currently provides the following utilities:
Utility |
Permissions |
Memory |
Battery |
Device Info |
Network |
SoftKeyboard |
In the app build.gradle add the following: a. Add JitPack repository at the end of repositories
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
b. Add the following dependency
compile 'com.github.Jagerfield:Android-Utilities:v1.0'
Accessing a utility fucntion example:
Available functions:
Value | Function's Name | Returns |
Total RAM | getTotalRAM() |
long |
Available External Memory Size | getAvailableExternalMemorySize() |
long |
Has External SD Card | isHasExternalSDCard() |
boolean |
Available Internal Memory Size | getAvailableInternalMemorySize() |
long |
Total Internal Memory Size | getTotalInternalMemorySize() |
long |
Total External Memory Size | getTotalExternalMemorySize() |
String |
Accessing a utility fucntion example:
Available functions:
Value | Function Name | Returns |
Is Battery Present | isBatteryPresent() |
boolean |
Battery Temperature | getBatteryTemperature() |
float |
Battery Percent | getBatteryPercent() |
int |
Is Phone Charging | isPhoneCharging() |
boolean |
Battery Health | getBatteryHealth() |
String |
Battery Voltage | getBatteryVoltage() |
int |
Charging Source | getChargingSource() |
String |
Battery Technology | getBatteryTechnology() |
String |
Accessing a utility fucntion example:
Available functions:
Value | Function Name | Returns |
Device Name | getDeviceName() |
String |
Version Name | getVersionName(activity) |
String |
Serial Number | getSerial() |
String |
Sdk Version | getSdkVersion() |
int |
Is Running On Emulator | isRunningOnEmulator() |
boolean |
Release Build Version | getReleaseBuildVersion() |
String |
Package Name | getPackageName(activity) |
String |
Build Version Code Name | getBuildVersionCodeName |
String |
Manufacturer | getManufacturer() |
String |
Model | getModel() |
String |
Product | getProduct() |
String |
Finger print | getFingerprint() |
String |
Hardware | getHardware() |
String |
RadioVer | getRadioVer() |
String |
Device | getDevice() |
String |
Board | getBoard() |
String |
Display Version | getDisplayVersion() |
String |
Build Host | getBuildHost() |
String |
Build Time | getBuildTime() |
long |
Build User | getBuildUser() |
String |
OS Version | getOsVersion() |
String |
Language | getLanguage() |
String |
Screen Density | getScreenDensity(activity) |
String |
Screen Height | getScreenHeight(activity) |
int |
Screen Width | getScreenWidth(activity) |
int |
Version Code | getVersionCode(activity) |
Integer |
Activity Name | getActivityName(activity) |
String |
App Name | getAppName(activity) |
String |
Device Ringer Mode | getDeviceRingerMode(activity) |
String |
Is Device Rooted | isDeviceRooted() |
boolean |
Android Id | getAndroidId(activity) |
String |
Installation Source | getInstallSource(activity) |
String |
User Agent | getUserAgent(activity) |
String |
GSF Id | getDeviceUtil().getGSFId(activity) |
String |
Accessing a utility fucntion example:
Available functions:
Value | Function Name | Returns |
IMEI | getIMEI(activity) |
String |
IMSI | getIMSI(activity) |
String |
Phone Type | getPhoneType(activity) |
String |
Phone Number | getPhoneNumber(activity) |
String |
Operator | getOperator(activity) |
String |
SIM Serial | getsIMSerial(activity) |
String |
Is SIM Locked | isSimNetworkLocked(activity) |
boolean |
Is Wifi Enabled | isWifiEnabled(activity) |
boolean |
Network Class | getNetworkClass(activity) |
String |
Is Nfc Present | isNfcPresent(activity) |
boolean |
Is Nfc Enabled | isNfcEnabled(activity) |
boolean |
Internet Connection Status | getInternetConnectionStatus(activity) |
String |
Bluetooth MAC | getBluetoothMAC(activity) |
String |
Wifi Mac Address | getWifiMacAddress(activity) |
String |