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moi edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Pando Protocol

Pando protocol makes communication between different machines easy and universal .


Pando protol does't provide a method to ensure communication reliability, other protocol such as MQTT has already achive the target. Pando protocol transforms information in binary form, because binary packet costs less net resource.
This git project only provides documents define how to organize information into binary without concrete code implimentation.
There is a C implimentation in pando-embedded-framework, this will show you how to use pando protocol above mqtt protocol.
You can transplant pando protocol to other laguage, the detail of pando protocol is in the design chapter.

Why use pando protocol

Pando cloud is an open source technological package, everyone can set up a whole iot system from cloud server, net access device and embeded devices.
Pando protocol can communicate in a unified way between different systems builded up by developers.

How to start

This chapter shows you to start with pando protol in pando-embedded-framework.
Pando embedded framework has transplanted to wifi chipset esp8266, you need to do these steps to run pando protol.

  1. TODO 1
  2. TODO 2
  3. TODO 3


This chapter shows the details about pando protocol.
English Design Documents