Gaussian beam propagation through lenses. This script will help plan the layout of lenses.
A brief example is given in the following. It initiates an input with a wavelength of 813nm and a waist of 3mm at the origin. We add various lenses, as well as measurement points to get the waist at that specific position. Finally, we plot the result.
import gaussianbeamprop as gp
input_beam = gp.Beam(wavelength=813e-9, waist=3e-3, waist_position=0)
prop = gp.BeamPropagation(input_beam)
prop.add_element(gp.Lens(position=0.2, f=0.1))
prop.add_element(gp.Lens(position=0.4, f=0.2))
prop.add_element(gp.Lens(position=0.6, f=0.1))
prop.add_element(gp.Lens(position=0.7, f=0.3))
prop.add_element(gp.Lens(position=0.8, f=0.9))
prop.plot(figsize=(10, 3), ylim=None, x0=-50e-3, x1=1)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
beam_radii = np.array((0.0001, 0.0001126, 0.0001439, 0.00018468))
positions = (0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08)
fitted_beam = gp.Beam.from_beam_sizes(813e-9, beam_radii, positions)
prop = gp.BeamPropagation(fitted_beam)
prop.plot(figsize=(10, 3), ylim=None, x0=-50e-3, x1=0.08)
plt.plot(positions, beam_radii*1e3, "rx")