A browser that allows you to view Dwarf Fortress legends exports in an efficient and fluid manner.
##Current Features
- Tabbed browsing
- Hyperlinks between elements
- Fast search
- Currently performs a search of all elements with names (regions/sites/historical figures) with partial matching
- This is almost instant for a 12 MB file, and takes less than 5 seconds for the 266 MB file
##Future Goals
- Keyboard-only navigation?
- Giving the user a good idea of the relationships between historical figures
- Eventually, a graph (vertices+edges) that shows this visually
- Visually appealing
- Clean, elegant light fonts against a dark background
- User customizable styles
- Easy reading of Legends and connections between characters and their world
- lxml
- qt4
- qtwebkit (Install this before building PySide, or else it will build successfully without QtWebKit support.)
- pyside
- python3
####Ubuntu packages
- python3-lxml
- qt4-default
- python3-pyside
####Arch packages
- python-lxml
- qt4
- qtwebkit
- python-pyside (from the Arch User Repository)