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Cache kinds CacheIR ops
David Thien edited this page Jun 7, 2022
3 revisions
Cache kind: BinaryArith
- BigIntAddResult
- BigIntBitAndResult
- BigIntBitOrResult
- BigIntBitXorResult
- BigIntDivResult
- BigIntLeftShiftResult
- BigIntModResult
- BigIntMulResult
- BigIntPowResult
- BigIntRightShiftResult
- BigIntSubResult
- BooleanToNumber
- BooleanToString
- CallInt32ToString
- CallNumberToString
- CallStringConcatResult
- CallStringObjectConcatResult
- DoubleAddResult
- DoubleDivResult
- DoubleModResult
- DoubleMulResult
- DoublePowResult
- DoubleSubResult
- GuardBooleanToInt32
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNullOrUndefined
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardStringToInt32
- GuardStringToNumber
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToBoolean
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- Int32AddResult
- Int32BitAndResult
- Int32BitOrResult
- Int32BitXorResult
- Int32DivResult
- Int32LeftShiftResult
- Int32ModResult
- Int32MulResult
- Int32PowResult
- Int32RightShiftResult
- Int32SubResult
- Int32URightShiftResult
- LoadInt32Constant
- ReturnFromIC
- TruncateDoubleToUInt32
Cache kind: BindName
- GuardShape
- LoadEnclosingEnvironment
- LoadObject
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: Call
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetDoubleResult
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetInt32Result
- ArrayJoinResult
- ArrayPush
- AssertRecoveredOnBailoutResult
- AtomicsAddResult
- AtomicsAndResult
- AtomicsCompareExchangeResult
- AtomicsExchangeResult
- AtomicsIsLockFreeResult
- AtomicsLoadResult
- AtomicsOrResult
- AtomicsStoreResult
- AtomicsSubResult
- AtomicsXorResult
- Bailout
- BigIntAsIntNResult
- BigIntAsUintNResult
- CallClassHook
- CallDOMFunction
- CallInt32ToString
- CallIsSuspendedGeneratorResult
- CallNativeFunction
- CallNumberToString
- CallRegExpMatcherResult
- CallRegExpSearcherResult
- CallRegExpTesterResult
- CallScriptedFunction
- CallSubstringKernelResult
- CallWasmFunction
- CompareBigIntResult
- CompareInt32Result
- CompareObjectResult
- CompareStringResult
- CompareSymbolResult
- DoublePowResult
- FinishBoundFunctionInitResult
- FrameIsConstructingResult
- GetFirstDollarIndexResult
- GetNextMapSetEntryForIteratorResult
- GuardAnyClass
- GuardArgumentsObjectFlags
- GuardArrayIsPacked
- GuardBooleanToInt32
- GuardClass
- GuardDynamicSlotIsSpecificObject
- GuardFunctionHasJitEntry
- GuardFunctionHasNoJitEntry
- GuardFunctionIsConstructor
- GuardFunctionScript
- GuardInt32IsNonNegative
- GuardIsNotArrayBufferMaybeShared
- GuardIsNotProxy
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardNotClassConstructor
- GuardNumberToIntPtrIndex
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificFunction
- GuardSpecificObject
- GuardTagNotEqual
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToBoolean
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToInt32ModUint32
- GuardToNonGCThing
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- GuardToUint8Clamped
- GuardWasmArg
- HasClassResult
- IndirectTruncateInt32Result
- Int32MinMax
- Int32MinMaxArrayResult
- Int32PowResult
- Int32ToIntPtr
- IsArrayResult
- IsCallableResult
- IsConstructorResult
- IsCrossRealmArrayConstructorResult
- IsObjectResult
- IsPackedArrayResult
- IsTypedArrayConstructorResult
- IsTypedArrayResult
- LoadArgumentDynamicSlot
- LoadArgumentFixedSlot
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthInt32Result
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthInt32Result
- LoadBooleanConstant
- LoadBooleanResult
- LoadConstantString
- LoadDataViewValueResult
- LoadDoubleResult
- LoadFixedSlotResult
- LoadFixedSlotTypedResult
- LoadInstanceOfObjectResult
- LoadInt32ArrayLength
- LoadInt32Constant
- LoadInt32Result
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- LoadStringCharCodeResult
- LoadStringCharResult
- LoadStringResult
- LoadUndefined
- LoadValueTag
- LoadValueTruthyResult
- MapGetBigIntResult
- MapGetNonGCThingResult
- MapGetObjectResult
- MapGetResult
- MapGetStringResult
- MapGetSymbolResult
- MapHasBigIntResult
- MapHasNonGCThingResult
- MapHasObjectResult
- MapHasResult
- MapHasStringResult
- MapHasSymbolResult
- MathAbsInt32Result
- MathAbsNumberResult
- MathAtan2NumberResult
- MathCeilNumberResult
- MathCeilToInt32Result
- MathClz32Result
- MathFRoundNumberResult
- MathFloorNumberResult
- MathFloorToInt32Result
- MathFunctionNumberResult
- MathHypot2NumberResult
- MathHypot3NumberResult
- MathHypot4NumberResult
- MathImulResult
- MathRandomResult
- MathRoundToInt32Result
- MathSignInt32Result
- MathSignNumberResult
- MathSignNumberToInt32Result
- MathSqrtNumberResult
- MathTruncNumberResult
- MathTruncToInt32Result
- NewArrayFromLengthResult
- NewArrayIteratorResult
- NewRegExpStringIteratorResult
- NewStringIteratorResult
- NewStringObjectResult
- NewTypedArrayFromArrayBufferResult
- NewTypedArrayFromArrayResult
- NewTypedArrayFromLengthResult
- NumberMinMax
- NumberMinMaxArrayResult
- ObjectCreateResult
- ObjectToStringResult
- PackedArrayPopResult
- PackedArrayShiftResult
- PackedArraySliceResult
- ReflectGetPrototypeOfResult
- RegExpInstanceOptimizableResult
- RegExpPrototypeOptimizableResult
- ReturnFromIC
- SameValueResult
- SetHasBigIntResult
- SetHasNonGCThingResult
- SetHasObjectResult
- SetHasResult
- SetHasStringResult
- SetHasSymbolResult
- StoreDataViewValueResult
- StoreFixedSlotUndefinedResult
- StringFromCharCodeResult
- StringFromCodePointResult
- StringReplaceStringResult
- StringSplitStringResult
- StringToLowerCaseResult
- StringToUpperCaseResult
- TruncateDoubleToUInt32
- TypedArrayElementSizeResult
Cache kind: CheckPrivateField
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificAtom
- GuardSpecificSymbol
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- LoadBooleanResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: Compare
- BooleanToNumber
- CompareBigIntInt32Result
- CompareBigIntNumberResult
- CompareBigIntResult
- CompareBigIntStringResult
- CompareDoubleResult
- CompareInt32Result
- CompareNullUndefinedResult
- CompareObjectResult
- CompareStringResult
- CompareSymbolResult
- GuardBooleanToInt32
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNullOrUndefined
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardStringToNumber
- GuardTagNotEqual
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToBoolean
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- LoadBooleanResult
- LoadValueTag
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: GetIntrinsic
- LoadValueResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: GetIterator
- GuardAndGetIterator
- GuardIsNullOrUndefined
- GuardNoDenseElements
- GuardNullProto
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardToObject
- LoadObject
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: GetName
- CallDOMGetterResult
- CallNativeGetterResult
- CallScriptedGetterResult
- GuardDynamicSlotValue
- GuardFixedSlotValue
- GuardShape
- LoadDynamicSlotResult
- LoadEnclosingEnvironment
- LoadEnvironmentDynamicSlotResult
- LoadEnvironmentFixedSlotResult
- LoadFixedSlotResult
- LoadObject
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: GetProp
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetDoubleResult
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetInt32Result
- CallDOMGetterResult
- CallGetSparseElementResult
- CallNativeGetElementResult
- CallNativeGetterResult
- CallScriptedGetterResult
- GuardAnyClass
- GuardArgumentsObjectFlags
- GuardClass
- GuardCompartment
- GuardDynamicSlotValue
- GuardFixedSlotValue
- GuardHasAttachedArrayBuffer
- GuardHasGetterSetter
- GuardHasProxyHandler
- GuardIndexGreaterThanDenseInitLength
- GuardInt32IsNonNegative
- GuardIsNativeObject
- GuardIsNotDOMProxy
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsProxy
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardNoDenseElements
- GuardNonDoubleType
- GuardNullProto
- GuardNumberToIntPtrIndex
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificAtom
- GuardSpecificObject
- GuardSpecificSymbol
- GuardStringToIndex
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- GuardXrayExpandoShapeAndDefaultProto
- GuardXrayNoExpando
- Int32ToIntPtr
- LoadArgumentsObjectArgResult
- LoadArgumentsObjectLengthResult
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthInt32Result
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthInt32Result
- LoadDOMExpandoValue
- LoadDOMExpandoValueGuardGeneration
- LoadDOMExpandoValueIgnoreGeneration
- LoadDenseElementHoleResult
- LoadDenseElementResult
- LoadDynamicSlotResult
- LoadFixedSlotResult
- LoadFunctionLengthResult
- LoadFunctionNameResult
- LoadInt32ArrayLength
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- LoadStringCharResult
- LoadStringLengthResult
- LoadTypedArrayElementResult
- LoadUndefined
- LoadWrapperTarget
- MegamorphicLoadSlotByValueResult
- MegamorphicLoadSlotResult
- ProxyGetByValueResult
- ProxyGetResult
- RegExpFlagResult
- ReturnFromIC
- TypedArrayByteLengthDoubleResult
- TypedArrayByteLengthInt32Result
- WrapResult
Cache kind: HasProp
- CallObjectHasSparseElementResult
- GuardClass
- GuardIsNativeObject
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsProxy
- GuardIsTypedArray
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardNoDenseElements
- GuardNullProto
- GuardNumberToIntPtrIndex
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificAtom
- GuardSpecificSymbol
- GuardStringToIndex
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- Int32ToIntPtr
- LoadBooleanResult
- LoadDenseElementExistsResult
- LoadDenseElementHoleExistsResult
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- LoadTypedArrayElementExistsResult
- MegamorphicHasPropResult
- ProxyHasPropResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: In
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetDoubleResult
- ArrayBufferViewByteOffsetInt32Result
- ArrayJoinResult
- ArrayPush
- AssertRecoveredOnBailoutResult
- AtomicsAddResult
- AtomicsAndResult
- AtomicsCompareExchangeResult
- AtomicsExchangeResult
- AtomicsIsLockFreeResult
- AtomicsLoadResult
- AtomicsOrResult
- AtomicsStoreResult
- AtomicsSubResult
- AtomicsXorResult
- Bailout
- BigIntAsIntNResult
- BigIntAsUintNResult
- CallInt32ToString
- CallIsSuspendedGeneratorResult
- CallNumberToString
- CallRegExpMatcherResult
- CallRegExpSearcherResult
- CallRegExpTesterResult
- CallSubstringKernelResult
- CompareBigIntResult
- CompareInt32Result
- CompareObjectResult
- CompareStringResult
- CompareSymbolResult
- DoublePowResult
- FinishBoundFunctionInitResult
- FrameIsConstructingResult
- GetFirstDollarIndexResult
- GetNextMapSetEntryForIteratorResult
- GuardAnyClass
- GuardArgumentsObjectFlags
- GuardBooleanToInt32
- GuardClass
- GuardDynamicSlotIsSpecificObject
- GuardInt32IsNonNegative
- GuardIsNotArrayBufferMaybeShared
- GuardIsNotProxy
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardNumberToIntPtrIndex
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificFunction
- GuardSpecificObject
- GuardTagNotEqual
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToBoolean
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToInt32ModUint32
- GuardToNonGCThing
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- GuardToUint8Clamped
- HasClassResult
- IndirectTruncateInt32Result
- Int32MinMax
- Int32MinMaxArrayResult
- Int32PowResult
- Int32ToIntPtr
- IsArrayResult
- IsCallableResult
- IsConstructorResult
- IsCrossRealmArrayConstructorResult
- IsObjectResult
- IsPackedArrayResult
- IsTypedArrayConstructorResult
- IsTypedArrayResult
- LoadArgumentDynamicSlot
- LoadArgumentFixedSlot
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferByteLengthInt32Result
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthDoubleResult
- LoadArrayBufferViewLengthInt32Result
- LoadBooleanConstant
- LoadBooleanResult
- LoadConstantString
- LoadDataViewValueResult
- LoadDoubleResult
- LoadFixedSlotResult
- LoadFixedSlotTypedResult
- LoadInstanceOfObjectResult
- LoadInt32ArrayLength
- LoadInt32Constant
- LoadInt32Result
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- LoadStringCharCodeResult
- LoadStringCharResult
- LoadStringResult
- LoadUndefined
- LoadValueTag
- LoadValueTruthyResult
- MapGetBigIntResult
- MapGetNonGCThingResult
- MapGetObjectResult
- MapGetResult
- MapGetStringResult
- MapGetSymbolResult
- MapHasBigIntResult
- MapHasNonGCThingResult
- MapHasObjectResult
- MapHasResult
- MapHasStringResult
- MapHasSymbolResult
- MathAbsInt32Result
- MathAbsNumberResult
- MathAtan2NumberResult
- MathCeilNumberResult
- MathCeilToInt32Result
- MathClz32Result
- MathFRoundNumberResult
- MathFloorNumberResult
- MathFloorToInt32Result
- MathFunctionNumberResult
- MathHypot2NumberResult
- MathHypot3NumberResult
- MathHypot4NumberResult
- MathImulResult
- MathRandomResult
- MathRoundToInt32Result
- MathSignInt32Result
- MathSignNumberResult
- MathSignNumberToInt32Result
- MathSqrtNumberResult
- MathTruncNumberResult
- MathTruncToInt32Result
- NewArrayFromLengthResult
- NewArrayIteratorResult
- NewRegExpStringIteratorResult
- NewStringIteratorResult
- NewStringObjectResult
- NewTypedArrayFromArrayBufferResult
- NewTypedArrayFromArrayResult
- NewTypedArrayFromLengthResult
- NumberMinMax
- NumberMinMaxArrayResult
- ObjectCreateResult
- ObjectToStringResult
- PackedArrayPopResult
- PackedArrayShiftResult
- PackedArraySliceResult
- ReflectGetPrototypeOfResult
- RegExpInstanceOptimizableResult
- RegExpPrototypeOptimizableResult
- ReturnFromIC
- SameValueResult
- SetHasBigIntResult
- SetHasNonGCThingResult
- SetHasObjectResult
- SetHasResult
- SetHasStringResult
- SetHasSymbolResult
- StoreDataViewValueResult
- StoreFixedSlotUndefinedResult
- StringFromCharCodeResult
- StringFromCodePointResult
- StringReplaceStringResult
- StringSplitStringResult
- StringToLowerCaseResult
- StringToUpperCaseResult
- TruncateDoubleToUInt32
- TypedArrayElementSizeResult
Cache kind: InstanceOf
- GuardShape
- GuardToObject
- LoadInstanceOfObjectResult
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: NewArray
- GuardNoAllocationMetadataBuilder
- NewArrayObjectResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: NewObject
- GuardNoAllocationMetadataBuilder
- NewPlainObjectResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: OptimizeSpreadCall
- GuardArgumentsObjectFlags
- GuardArrayIsPacked
- GuardClass
- GuardDynamicSlotIsSpecificObject
- GuardShape
- GuardToObject
- LoadObject
- LoadUndefined
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: SetProp
- CallAddOrUpdateSparseElementHelper
- CallDOMSetter
- CallNativeSetter
- CallScriptedSetter
- CallSetArrayLength
- GuardClass
- GuardDynamicSlotValue
- GuardFixedSlotValue
- GuardHasGetterSetter
- GuardIndexGreaterThanDenseInitLength
- GuardIndexIsValidUpdateOrAdd
- GuardInt32IsNonNegative
- GuardIsExtensible
- GuardIsNotDOMProxy
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsProxy
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardNonDoubleType
- GuardNullProto
- GuardNumberToIntPtrIndex
- GuardProto
- GuardShape
- GuardSpecificAtom
- GuardSpecificObject
- GuardSpecificSymbol
- GuardStringToIndex
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToInt32ModUint32
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- GuardToUint8Clamped
- Int32ToIntPtr
- LoadDOMExpandoValue
- LoadDOMExpandoValueGuardGeneration
- LoadDOMExpandoValueIgnoreGeneration
- LoadObject
- LoadProto
- LoadWrapperTarget
- MegamorphicSetElement
- MegamorphicStoreSlot
- ProxySet
- ReturnFromIC
- StoreDenseElement
- StoreDynamicSlot
- StoreFixedSlot
- StoreTypedArrayElement
Cache kind: ToBool
- GuardIsNullOrUndefined
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardNonDoubleType
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToObject
- GuardToString
- LoadBigIntTruthyResult
- LoadBooleanResult
- LoadDoubleTruthyResult
- LoadInt32TruthyResult
- LoadObjectTruthyResult
- LoadOperandResult
- LoadStringTruthyResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: ToPropertyKey
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToInt32Index
- GuardToString
- GuardToSymbol
- LoadInt32Result
- LoadStringResult
- LoadSymbolResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: TypeOf
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardNonDoubleType
- GuardToObject
- LoadConstantString
- LoadTypeOfObjectResult
- ReturnFromIC
Cache kind: UnaryArith
- BigIntDecResult
- BigIntIncResult
- BigIntNegationResult
- BigIntNotResult
- BooleanToNumber
- DoubleDecResult
- DoubleIncResult
- DoubleNegationResult
- GuardBooleanToInt32
- GuardIsNull
- GuardIsNullOrUndefined
- GuardIsNumber
- GuardIsUndefined
- GuardStringToInt32
- GuardStringToNumber
- GuardToBigInt
- GuardToBoolean
- GuardToInt32
- GuardToString
- Int32DecResult
- Int32IncResult
- Int32NegationResult
- Int32NotResult
- LoadBigIntResult
- LoadDoubleResult
- LoadInt32Constant
- LoadInt32Result
- ReturnFromIC
- TruncateDoubleToUInt32