Yet another adapter removal program for next generation sequencing
clean_ngs [OPTIONS] -adf ADAPTER.txt -if1 IN.fq -of1 OUT.fq
clean_ngs [OPTIONS] -adf ADAPTER.txt -if1 IN_1.fq -if2 IN_2.fq -of1
OUT_1.fq -of2 OUT_2.fq
Use adapters definition file ADAPTER.txt and remove the adapters from the
input readfiles. The program writes out the cleansed reads and the
rejected reads.
-h, --help
Displays this help message.
Display version information
-v, --verbose
Verbose mode.
-vv, --very-verbose
Very verbose mode.
Input / Output Parameters:
-adf, --adapter-file FILE
Adapter definition file. See section Adapters File Format below for
moreinformation. Valid filetypes are: txt and dat.
-if1, --input-file1 FILE
Input file 1. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz, txt,
txt.gz, and dat.
-if2, --input-file2 FILE
Input file 2. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz, txt,
txt.gz, and dat.
-of1, --output-file1 FILE
Output file 1. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz, txt,
txt.gz, and dat.
-of2, --output-file2 FILE
Output file 2. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz, txt,
txt.gz, and dat.
-rf1, --rejected-file1 FILE
Rejected file 1. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz,
txt, txt.gz, and dat.
-rf2, --rejected-file2 FILE
Rejected file 2. Valid filetypes are: fastq, fq, fastq.gz, fq.gz,
txt, txt.gz, and dat.
Optional Parameters:
-l, --min-len NUM
Minimal length of sequencing.Set to 0 to turn offminimal length
filter. In range [0..inf]. Default: 0.
-L, --max-len NUM
Maximal length of sequencing.Set to 0 to turn offmaximal length
filter. In range [0..inf]. Default: 0.
-q3, --qual-thresh3 NUM
Quality threshold for 3-prime trimming.Set to 0 to turn off 3-prime
trimming. In range [0..inf]. Default: 0.
-q5, --qual-thresh5 NUM
Quality threshold for 5-prime trimming.Set to 0 to turn off 5-prime
trimming. In range [0..inf]. Default: 0.
The adapter sequences are defined in an adapter definition file with the extension ".txt" (dat is only allowed for Galaxy)
comment lines start with "#".
Each non-comment(non-empty) line is tab delimited
and has 7 fields (columns):
name of the sequence
sequence (N's are allowed and match any nucleotide, useful for multiplexing)
fraction of identity between adapter sequence and target sequence (threshold)
quality threshold
minimum length of overlap between adapter and target sequence
if set to >0 perform comparison with truncated adapter sequences (very time consuming)
if set to 1 this is a leader sequence
clean_ngs version: 0.10 Last update Jan 2015
Basic steps:
- Follow the instructions on to install the seqan package (
- Follow the instructions on creating a sandbox
- Clone clean_ngs.git to apps directory
- Update cmake configuration
- Make
## as of the change to version 2.* this doesn't work anymore.
# I am in the process of moving the files to the new system
# meanwhile please follow the instructions below
#This worked for me on a linux system:
## clone seqan library
#git clone
## create a build directory
#mkdir seqan-trunk-build
#mkdir seqan-trunk-build/debug
#cd seqan-trunk-build/debug
## configure a DEBUG build
#cmake ../../seqan -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
#cd ../../seqan
## create a sandbox environment
## The Cmake files are adjusted for that specific sandbox configuration...
#./util/bin/ repository sandbox/seqan_ngs_apps
## get clean_ngs tool
##cd sandbox/seqan_ngs_apps/apps/
#git clone
#cd ../../../../seqan-trunk-build/debug/
## let cmake learn about the changes
#cmake .
## compile clean_ngs
#make clean_ngs
## basic test
#bin/clean_ngs -h
## for version 1.4.2 (temporary soluiton)
# download old sources.
mkdir ~/seqan
cd ~/seqan
tar xvf seqan-src-1.4.2.tar.gz
cd seqan-1.4.2/
# build directory structure for clean_ngs
./util/bin/ repository sandbox/seqan_ngs_apps
# get clean_ngs
cd sandbox/seqan_ngs_apps/apps/
git clone
cd ~
mkdir -p seqan-1.4.2-build/debug
cd seqan-1.4.2-build/debug
cmake ../../seqan/seqan-1.4.2 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
make clean_ngs
The initial upload was created by Manuel Holtgrewe and Bernd Jagla