Version 0.8.0
New Cascade version at last!
0.8.0 brings some useful changes and improvements
- Adds the ability to index lines in ModelRepo by integer indices #104
- Adds the ability to load best model by certain metric using MetricViewer #104
- The ability to customize saving and evaluation strategies in Trainer #107
- Check of hash in SkModel SkModel hash check #111
- Way to get dataset from Pickler #113
- ModelRepo automatically assigns name to a new line #114
- VersionAssigner - the way to automatically version datasets #112
- Composer #121
- WeighedSampler #125
- DataleakValidator #126
- More stable start from checkpoint in Trainer #107
- Improves repo performance - now it loads much faster #109
- Work with meta lists #116
- Under- and OverSampler
- MetaViewer behaviors #116
- MetaHandlers read and write will be deprecated #109
- Removes the ability to use repo.lines as a public field making it protected #104
- Drops support of old meta files with no type keyword #110
- Drop SkModel name argument warning #110
- Drop SkClassifier #110
- New Trainer example #116