This is a simple bash script for Raspberry Pi to defend it from SSH floods, but it can also run on most Linux platforms (I wrote it specifically for my Raspbain running on Banana Pi M2, so I named it SSHGuard4RasPi :D ).
It must be run under root access to allow it to append new rules into iptables.
To run the script, use the following command:
# bash
# sudo bash
When someone tries to log into your system with an incorrect SSH password, it will alert you of what had happened. If an IP has been blocked, you will receive a highlight display.
If someone failed to login for 3 times in a row, the script will add their IP into the blocklist.
You can unblock all the IPs using:
# iptables -F
# sudo iptables -F
(Warning: This command will erase ALL iptable rules!)
Using screen to run this script is strongly recommended.
# screen -S defender
# sudo bash
Exit with 'Ctrl+A+D'. It will run in the background.
To see it, use:
# screen -r defender
Finally, enjoy! ;)
p.s. Thanks to s9meNiNE