TIL-Dev is a user-friendly web application designed exclusively for capturing and sharing daily "Today I Learned" (TIL) moments. With a seamless and intuitive interface, users can easily jot down interesting facts, insights, or new knowledge they acquire throughout the day. The app focuses on enhancing learning experiences and fostering a community of curious minds.|
Create a new account to access our platform.
Click on the
new post
button in the navigation bar. -
In this section, fill out three fields:
- Title: We recommend creating a title that is completely descriptive, enabling anyone to understand the topic you've learned about instantly. 🔥
- Description: This field supports Markdown, allowing you to add a detailed description of your learning topic. 💬
- Label: Labels are required to categorize the post effectively. 🏷️
Finally, publish the TIL and enjoy sharing your knowledge with our community. 🚀
- Create ticket access to our github issues dashboard.
- Use our issue template
- Do a git clone of this repositorie
- Set this versions on local:
ruby version:
brew install rbenv ruby-build
rbenv install 3.0.6
rbenv global 3.0.6
which ruby
andruby -v
to verify correctly the installation.
gem install bundler
- Install postgresql and start the server:
# install postgres brew install postgresql # start postgres brew services start postgresql
- Install postgresql and start the server:
Node version
Make sure you have the right version of Node.js
First install NVM and then:
nvm install 18.15.0
nvm use 18.15.0
Install the app
- Dependencies are installed using
bundle && yarn
- Database setup is accomplished with
rails db:setup
- Dependencies are installed using
Run the server
rails s
Test Suite
- Rspec is configured, you can run them with
bundle exec rspec
- Rspec is configured, you can run them with
Configure Husky
- Change your git hook folder by running
git config core.hooksPath .husky/
on your terminal
- Change your git hook folder by running
- All our infrastructure to create pull requests is over branches please follow these steps:
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/<'something-cool-feature-description'>
- Create a commit (and is important to pass in green all our linterns):
git commit
- And following this instructions to fill your commit with the best practices.
- Push our branch to GitHub:
git push origin feature/<'something-cool-feature-description'>
- Fill the pull request template with the organization structure.
- Request a review to Oswaldo Pineda or Juanequex.
- Create a new branch:
- Visit the page here.