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Installation and first steps

Oscar Peña del Rio edited this page May 14, 2015 · 1 revision

You can either test labman_ud on your local machine (to see if it works for you or to get a taste of the features it provides), or deploy it on a server to allow other people consult data about the outcomes of your research unit's work.

To give labman_ud a try, the recommended approach is to first install it on your local machine. labman_ud is developed in django, a python web framework with a huge community behind it. Should you have any prior experience with django, trying labman_ud should not be an issue.

Download labman_ud

First, start by cloning the official repository, or download it in .zip version and extract it to your desired location.

Isolate the environment

Once downloaded, create a virtual environment with virtualenv, or with the extended tools of virtualenvwrapper. This way, we can isolate the environment for labman_ud without conflicting with the local libraries of our machines. When working on a virtual environment, its name is displayed between brackets at the beggining of the command line prompt.

Dependencies installation

Move to the project's folder with the virtual environment active, in order to install the required libraries in their desired versions in this isolated system.

These libraries and their versions are detailed in the different files within the requirements/ folder at the root level:

  • base.txt: The required libraries for an out-of-the-box deployment.
  • local.txt: Libraries extending the default ones for local debugging purposes.
  • production.txt: Libraries extending the default ones for production environments.

The command to automatically install the dependencies is:

(virtualenv) ~/labman_ud > pip install -r requirements/[base|local|prod].txt

Settings files

django provides deployment-wide variables through settings files, which can be located at /labman_ud/labman_ud/settings/. All the files there have a .py.dist extension. Copy all of them and change their extension to just .py. This way we ensure no one modifies the settings templates files, avoiding to upload sensible information to the public repository (such as passwords, absolute paths, etc).

Similar to the requirements, each file is intented for a certain installation type:

  • Contains all the general settings, project-wide.
  • Extends with local settings.
  • Extends with production settings.

To use a concrete set of settings, use the following command from the same level as the /labman_ud/ file:

(virtual_env) ~/labman_ud/labman_ud/ > python command --settings=labman_ud.settings.[base|local|prod]

Important step: On the newly created settings/ file, edit the SECRET_KEY variable to be a unique string key. This key is internally used by django.

Initialise database schema

To start managing data, we need a database to store all the information within our research unit. For local deployment purposes, we will use the database configuration detailed in the settings/ file. To initialise the database, run:

(virtual_env) ~/labman_ud/labman_ud/ > python migrate --settings=labman_ud.settings.local

Now, at level, you will find a test.sqlite3 portable database file, using the SQLite3 engine.

As of django 1.7+, migrations are supported. This means that from now on, django will manage database model updates in a native way, without the need to use third party software as before (such as South, whose creator is behind the migrations inclusion).

Run labman_ud locally

Finally, to test everything worked as expected, we will used django's built-in development server to check the installation. Please run the following command:

(virtual_env) ~/labman_ud/labman_ud/ > python runserver --settings=labman_ud.settings.local

You should see the following message:

Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Now, open your favourite web browser, type the http://localhost:8000 address and you should see the welcome page with further instructions.