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SoulSafe offers a fresh approach to social networking, departing from conventional individual-centric interactions, instead, it revolves around friend groups, encouraging sharing of daily life experiences among like-minded friends.
If you are looking for an app where you can interact with your group of friends occasionally, SoulSafe is your ideal choice.
Allow a group of friends to chat together from time to time.
Allow users to switch the device's cameras to take stunning photos and share them with selected groups.
Store all the photos that post by the users and filter the photos by user and group.
Comment on a specific post that either posted by one of your frineds from group.
Allow users to create new group, sharing group invitation to friends and leave the designated group.
Allow users to select photo either by taking with device's camera or choose from device's aublum to be their avatars.
Allow users to share there locations to all the member of the groups.
- Implemented the MVC architectural pattern to ensure code maintainability and enhance flexibility.
- Utilized MapKit and CoreLocation to generate user locations and show them on Apple Maps.
- Created an in-app camera feature using AVFoundation and FirebaseStorage, allowing users to seamlessly capture both front and rear camera pictures on a daily basis.
- Engineered a chatroom feature with real-time updates utilizing Cloud Firestore.
- Applied Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts by implementing class inheritance, method overriding, and access control.
- iOS 15 +
Orton Hsieh | [email protected]