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53 ‐ About the documentation

Pierre-Yves Lapersonne edited this page Nov 26, 2024 · 1 revision

Upload web content (now)

We explained in the DEVELOP file and the release README how the documentation is managed.

In fact, the OUDS project contains mainly the iOS library exposed as a Swift Package, which contains several targets. We failed to find an efficient and user friendly solution to get the DocC documentation in the source code and convert to HTML pages ; there were each time issues with iOS-specific API (like UIKit) or management of multiple targets.

Thus, until now we build the documentation using Xcode, and export each DocC catalog as DocC archives. Then a script process all these folders and merge them before pushing the result to the GitHub pages dedicated branch.

The uploadWebDoc does this job with the help of a Python script. The workflow is quite simple: manualy use Xcode to build the documentation, then for each catalog export it as doccarchive in your Downloads folder and finaly run the uploadWebDoc script. The script will convert doccarchives to zip files, then extract JS, CSS, HTML and JSON resources before merging them.

To run the script:

# Replace X.Y.Z by your versions numbers
./ --libversion=X.Y.Z --usegit

Things must be improved, see #95

Build web content (before)

If you want the script to convert the Swift package DocC catalogs (without any reference to non-macOS API like UIKit), the following script can help:

# Software Name: OUDS iOS
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Orange SA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# This software is distributed under the MIT license,
# the text of which is available at
# or see the "LICENSE" file for more details.
# Authors: See CONTRIBUTORS.txt
# Software description: A SwiftUI components library with code examples for Orange Unified Design System

# Controls on script
set -euo pipefail

# Configuration
# -------------

# The Swift Package targets to build documentation of
# Of course if your project is not compliant with Swift Package and DocC don't use this tool
        OUDSThemesInverse \
        OUDSThemesOrange \
        OUDSTokensRaw \
        OUDSTokensSemantic \
        OUDSTokensComponent \
        OUDSComponents \
        OUDSModules \

# Services pages (like GitHub Pages) custom subdomain for the CNAME, don't forget to verify it in organization side for security reasons!
# For example, with GitHub pages; given the "ouds-ios" project for "Orange-OpenSource" organization,
# the custom domain "" will thus automatically redirect to ""

# Some HTML fragments to add in the HTML global page index.html
HTML_TITLE="OUDS iOS Swift Documentation"
HTML_H1="OUDS iOS Swift Documentation"
HTML_H2="iOS SwiftUI implementation of the Unified Design System of Orange"

# The name of the Git branch hosting the documentation (e.g. GitHub Pages branch defined in repository)
# We suppose all the documentation will be in this dedicated branch

# Path where the documentation will be temporary

# The generated name of the ZIP containing the generated sources of documentation (for archive)
timestamp=$(date +%s)

# Errors management
# -----------------


on_error_signal() {
    _ "❌  An error occurred with command '$BASH_COMMAND'. Exits. ($EXIT_ERROR_SIG)"
    if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    exit $EXIT_ERROR_SIG

trap 'on_error_signal' ERR
trap 'on_error_signal' SIGINT
trap 'on_error_signal' SIGTERM
trap 'on_error_signal' SIGABRT

# Functions
# ---------

_() {
    local message="$1"
    local is_error="${2:-false}"
    local prefix="🍊 "
    if [[ "$is_error" == "true" ]]; then
        echo "${prefix}❌ ERROR: $message" >&2
        echo "${prefix}$message"

clean_repo() {
    _ "🧹 Cleaning Git repository"
    git reset --hard
    git clean -fd

show_help() {
    echo "This script will use swift-docc-plugin to build HTML documentation of the OUDS iOS Swift Package"
    echo "It can also update the Git repository."
    echo -e "Usage: $0 [--help] --libversion=VERSION [--usegit | --nozip]\n"
    echo "Options:"
    echo "  --help                Shows this help message."
    echo "  --libversion=VERSION  Specifies the library version to include in HTML page (mandatory)."
    echo "  --usegit              Specifies to version documentation in the current Git repository and upload (default it does not, only local)."
    echo "  --nozip               Specifies the ZIP archive of the documentation must not be done (by default it is)."

# Step 0 - Prerequisites checks
# -----------------------------


# Check for command-line arguments
for arg in "$@"; do
    case "$arg" in
            exit $EXIT_OK
            _ "✔️ OK, library version to know is '$lib_version'"
            _ "Unknown parameter: $arg. Exits. ($EXIT_BAD_PARAMETER)" true
            exit $EXIT_BAD_PARAMETER

if [[ -z "$lib_version" ]]; then
    _ "Parameter --libversion is mandatory. Exits. ($EXIT_BAD_PARAMETER)" true

if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    _ "✔️ OK, Git will be used"
    _ "✔️ OK, Git will NOT be used"

if [[ $no_zip -eq 1 ]]; then
    _ "✔️ OK, no ZIP archive will be done"
    _ "✔️ OK, a ZIP archive will be created"

if [[ "$use_git" -eq 0 && "$no_zip" -eq 1 ]]; then
    _ "🥴 WARNING: What do you use this script for? You should at least save the doc in Git repository or in ZIP file"

# Step 1 - Git setup (if relevant)
# --------------------------------

start_time=$(date +%s)

if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    if [ -d ".git" ]; then

        # Xcode keeps files and dislikes updates of local branches...
        _ "🚨 You should close Xcode or any software working on this workspace, before going further, just in case of..."
        _ "Press any key to continue..."
        read -n 1 -s # Don't care of the input, just want the user be ready in the end
        _ "✅ This is a Git repository. Please ensure the credentials you need are ready (SSH, HTTPS, GPG, etc.)"
        current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
        _ "🔨 Current Git branch is '$current_branch'"
        clean_repo # To get rid of unversioned files etc.
        _ "This is not a Git repository. Exits. ($EXIT_NOT_GIT_REPO)" true
        exit $EXIT_NOT_GIT_REPO

_ "👉 Creating documentation folder..."
mkdir -p "$DOCS_DIRECTORY"
_ "👍 Documention folder created at '$DOCS_DIRECTORY'!"

# Step 2 - For each target, build the DocC documentation
# ------------------------------------------------------

# The version of swift-docc-plugin ( we use (here 1.4.2 according to the Package.resolved file)
# does not seem to manage very well Swift Packages with several targets.
# Consider using this version of the tool or submit an issue / pull request for updates to
# It fails also with iOS frameworks with UIKit (
# Related issue:
# (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

_ "👉 Generating docs..."

for target in ${TARGETS}
    _ "👉 Generating docs for $target..."
    swift package --allow-writing-to-directory "$target-docs" generate-documentation  --disable-indexing --transform-for-static-hosting --output-path "$target-docs" --target "$target"
    cp -r $target-docs/* $DOCS_DIRECTORY
    modified_target=$(echo $target | tr '-' '_' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    cp -r $target-docs/index/index.json "$DOCS_DIRECTORY/index/$modified_target.json"
    _ "👍 Docs generated for $target!"

# Step 3 - Add CNAME file for GitHub Pages
# ----------------------------------------

if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    _ "👉 Updating CNAME file"
    _ "👍 Updated!"

# Step 4 - Update global HTML file
# --------------------------------

# This is only to build a global index.html file referencing all other targets index.html files

_ "👉 Updating index.html..."

echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"><title>$HTML_TITLE</title><style>body{font-family:Arial,sans-serif;line-height:1.6;margin:0;padding:0;background-color:#000000;color:#fff;}header{background-color:#424242;color:white;padding:20px;text-align:center;}main{padding:20px;}h1{margin:0;}ol{padding-left:20px;}li{margin:10px 0;}a{color:#06f;text-decoration:none;}a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}footer{text-align:center;padding:10px;background-color:#000000;border-top:1px solid #e0e0e0;}</style></head><body><header><h1>$HTML_H1</h1></header><main>" > $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<h2>$HTML_H2</h2>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<h3>Version v$lib_version</h3>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<h4>All targets of the Swift Package are listed below</h4>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<ol>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
for target in ${TARGETS}
    cp -R "$target-docs/data/documentation/"* "$DOCS_DIRECTORY/data/documentation/"
    cp -R "$target-docs/documentation/"* "$DOCS_DIRECTORY/documentation/"
    rm -r "$target-docs"
    modified_target=$(echo "$target" | tr '-' '_' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    echo "<li><a href=\"./documentation/$modified_target\">$target</a></li>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "</ol></main>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<footer><p>Find the source code on <a href=\"$HTML_PROJECT_URL\">GitHub</a></p>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html
echo "<p>&copy; $(date +%Y) $HTML_PROJECT_COPYRIGHT</p><p>Documentation build n°$timestamp</p></footer></body></html>" >> $DOCS_DIRECTORY/index.html

_ "👍 index.html updated!"

files_count=`find $DOCS_DIRECTORY -type f | wc -l | xargs`

# Step 5a - Checkout to service pages dedicated branch (if relevant)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# When the files have been generated, stash them, change branch, unstash, add, commit, push then clean

if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    _ "👉 Versioning documentation in service pages branch (it can take a lot of time)..."

    _ "🔨 Saving things"

    _ "🔨 Checkout service pages branch, align with remote"

    # Check if the local branch exists
    if git show-ref --verify --quiet refs/heads/"$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH"; then
        _ "🔨 Checking out local branch '$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH'"
        git checkout "$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH"
        git reset --hard origin/$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH # Ensure to be aligned with remote version
        _ "🔨 Local branch '$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH' does not exist. Checking out from remote."
        git fetch origin
        git checkout -b "$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH" origin/"$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH"

    _ "🔨 Applying changes"
    rm -rf "$DOCS_DIRECTORY"

    _ "🔨 Adding things (~ $files_count files)"
    git add "$DOCS_DIRECTORY"

    _ "🔨 Committing things (be ready if passwords / passphrases are asked)"
    commit_message=$(printf "doc: update DocC documentation for version v%s (%s)\n\nUpdate documentation for GitHub pages of version v%s of OUDS iOS library (build timestamp %s)\n\nWARNING: This is an automatic commit 🤖" "$lib_version" "$timestamp" "$lib_version" "$timestamp")
    git commit -m "$commit_message"

    _ "🔨 Pushing things"
    git push origin "$SERVICE_PAGES_BRANCH"

    _ "👍 Ok, just keep documentation here"

# Step 6 - Compress ZIP (if relevant)
# -----------------------------------

# ZIP action must be done before reseting the Git workspace (otherwise everything will be wiped out)
if [[ $no_zip -eq 0 ]]; then
    _ "👉 Zipping documentation folder"
    size_in_byte=`du "$DOCUMENTATION_ZIP_LOCATION" | cut -f1`
    _ "👍 Documentation ZIP available at $DOCUMENTATION_ZIP_LOCATION ($size_in_byte bytes)"

# Step 5b - Resume work on Git branch (if relevant)
# -------------------------------------------------

if [[ $use_git -eq 1 ]]; then
    commit_hash=`git rev-parse HEAD`
    _ "🔨 Going back to previous Git branch"
    git checkout "$current_branch"
    _ "👍 Pushed with commit '$commit_hash'"

# Step 7 - Metrics and conclusion
# -------------------------------

end_time=$(date +%s)
elapsed_time=$(( end_time - start_time ))
elapsed_time_minutes=$(( elapsed_time / 60 ))
elapsed_time_seconds=$(( elapsed_time % 60 ))

_ "⌛ Elapsed time: ${elapsed_time_minutes} minutes and ${elapsed_time_seconds} seconds"
_ "🚀 There were about $files_count files to process!"
_ "👋 Bye!"

exit $EXIT_OK

# In case of performances issues due to the large amount of files in the Git repository:
#   run "git clean -fd ; git reset --hard ; rm -rf .build"
#   Or use "git prune"
#   Or reclone the repository