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Release 1.3.25
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Added Pastebin support to build import/export
- Added support for the claw->unarmed conversions of Rigwald's Curse
- Fixed parsing of The Wise Oak's penetration stat
  • Loading branch information
Openarl committed Apr 5, 2017
1 parent 14f1eae commit b89d521
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Showing 9 changed files with 118 additions and 13 deletions.
67 changes: 66 additions & 1 deletion Classes/ImportTab.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,44 @@ You can get this from your web browser's cookies while logged into the Path of E
self.controls.generateCodeCopy.enabled = function()
return #self.controls.generateCodeOut.buf > 0
self.controls.generateCodeNote = common.New("LabelControl", {"TOPLEFT",self.controls.generateCodeOut,"BOTTOMLEFT"}, 0, 4, 0, 14, "^7Note: this code can be very long; it may be easiest to share it using Pastebin or similar.")
self.controls.generateCodePastebin = common.New("ButtonControl", {"LEFT",self.controls.generateCodeCopy,"RIGHT"}, 8, 0, 140, 20, "Share with Pastebin", function()
local id = LaunchSubScript([[
local code = ...
local curl = require("")
local page = ""
local easy = curl.easy()
easy:setopt(curl.OPT_POST, true)
easy:setopt(curl.OPT_POSTFIELDS, "api_dev_key=c4757f22e50e65e21c53892fd8e0a9ff&api_option=paste&api_paste_code="..code)
page =
return true
if page:match("") then
return page
return nil, page
]], "", "", self.controls.generateCodeOut.buf)
if id then
self.controls.generateCodePastebin.label = "Creating paste..."
launch:RegisterSubScript(id, function(pasteLink, errMsg)
self.controls.generateCodePastebin.label = "Share with Pastebin"
if errMsg then
main:OpenMessagePopup("", "Error creating paste:\n"..errMsg)
self.controls.generateCodePastebin.enabled = function()
return #self.controls.generateCodeOut.buf > 0 and not self.controls.generateCodeOut.buf:match("")
self.controls.generateCodeNote = common.New("LabelControl", {"TOPLEFT",self.controls.generateCodeOut,"BOTTOMLEFT"}, 0, 4, 0, 14, "^7Note: this code can be very long; you can use 'Share with Pastebin' to shrink it.")
self.controls.importCodeHeader = common.New("LabelControl", {"TOPLEFT",self.controls.generateCodeNote,"BOTTOMLEFT"}, 0, 26, 0, 16, "^7To import a build, enter the code here:")
self.controls.importCodeIn = common.New("EditControl", {"TOPLEFT",self.controls.importCodeHeader,"BOTTOMLEFT"}, 0, 4, 250, 20, "", nil, "^%w_%-=", nil, function(buf)
if #buf == 0 then
Expand All @@ -146,6 +183,34 @@ You can get this from your web browser's cookies while logged into the Path of E
self.controls.importCodeState.label = function()
return (self.importCodeState == "VALID" and data.colorCodes.POSITIVE.."Code is valid") or (self.importCodeState == "INVALID" and data.colorCodes.NEGATIVE.."Invalid code") or ""
self.controls.importCodePastebin = common.New("ButtonControl", {"LEFT",self.controls.importCodeIn,"RIGHT"}, 90, 0, 160, 20, "Import from Pastebin...", function()
local controls = { }
controls.editLabel = common.New("LabelControl", nil, 0, 20, 0, 16, "Enter link:")
controls.edit = common.New("EditControl", nil, 0, 40, 250, 18, "", nil, nil, nil, function(buf)
controls.msg.label = ""
controls.msg = common.New("LabelControl", nil, 0, 58, 0, 16, "")
controls.import = common.New("ButtonControl", nil, -45, 80, 80, 20, "Import", function()
controls.import.enabled = false
controls.msg.label = "Retrieving paste..."
launch:DownloadPage(controls.edit.buf:gsub("$",""), function(page, errMsg)
if errMsg then
controls.msg.label = "^1"..errMsg
controls.import.enabled = true
self.controls.importCodeIn:SetText(page, true)
controls.import.enabled = function()
return #controls.edit.buf > 0 and controls.edit.buf:match("")
controls.cancel = common.New("ButtonControl", nil, 45, 80, 80, 20, "Cancel", function()
main:OpenPopup(280, 110, "Import from Pastebin", controls, "import", "edit")
self.controls.importCodeMode = common.New("DropDownControl", {"TOPLEFT",self.controls.importCodeIn,"BOTTOMLEFT"}, 0, 4, 160, 20, { "Import to this build", "Import to a new build:" })
self.controls.importCodeMode.enabled = function()
return self.importCodeState == "VALID" and
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Data/Bases/amulet.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ itemBases["Splitnewt Talisman"] = {
itemBases["Wereclaw Talisman"] = {
type = "Amulet",
subType = "Talisman",
implicit = "+(16-24)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier",
implicit = "+(24-36)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier",
itemBases["Longtooth Talisman"] = {
type = "Amulet",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Data/New.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ Requires Level 8
Implicits: 0
During Flask Effect, 10% reduced Damage taken of each Element for which your Uncapped
Elemental Resistance is lowest
During Flask Effect, Damage Penetrates 20% of Resistance of each Element for which your
During Flask Effect, Damage Penetrates 20% Resistance of each Element for which your
Uncapped Elemental Resistance is highest
Ahn's Heritage
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Data/Uniques/amulet.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,10 +309,14 @@ Cannot gain Power Charges
Rigwald's Curse
Wereclaw Talisman
Variant: Pre 2.2.0
Variant: Current
League: Talisman Standard
Requires Level 28
Talisman Tier: 2
+(16-24)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
Implicits: 2
{variant:1}+(16-24)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
{variant:2}+(24-36)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
+7% Base Unarmed Critical Strike Chance
Modifiers to Claw Damage also apply to Unarmed
Modifiers to Claw Attack Speed also apply to Unarmed
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions Modules/Calcs.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1959,6 +1959,30 @@ local function performCalcs(env)
if modDB:Sum("FLAG", nil, "ClawDamageAppliesToUnarmed") then
-- Claw Damage conversion from Rigwald's Curse
for i, mod in ipairs(modDB.mods.PhysicalDamage or { }) do
if band(mod.flags, ModFlag.Claw) ~= 0 then
modDB:NewMod("PhysicalDamage", mod.type, mod.value, mod.source, bor(band(mod.flags, bnot(ModFlag.Claw)), ModFlag.Unarmed), mod.keywordFlags, unpack(mod.tagList))
if modDB:Sum("FLAG", nil, "ClawAttackSpeedAppliesToUnarmed") then
-- Claw Attack Speed conversion from Rigwald's Curse
for i, mod in ipairs(modDB.mods.Speed or { }) do
if band(mod.flags, ModFlag.Claw) ~= 0 and band(mod.flags, ModFlag.Attack) ~= 0 then
modDB:NewMod("Speed", mod.type, mod.value, mod.source, bor(band(mod.flags, bnot(ModFlag.Claw)), ModFlag.Unarmed), mod.keywordFlags, unpack(mod.tagList))
if modDB:Sum("FLAG", nil, "ClawCritChanceAppliesToUnarmed") then
-- Claw Crit Chance conversion from Rigwald's Curse
for i, mod in ipairs(modDB.mods.CritChance or { }) do
if band(mod.flags, ModFlag.Claw) ~= 0 then
modDB:NewMod("CritChance", mod.type, mod.value, mod.source, bor(band(mod.flags, bnot(ModFlag.Claw)), ModFlag.Unarmed), mod.keywordFlags, unpack(mod.tagList))

local isAttack = (env.mode_skillType == "ATTACK")

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion Modules/ModParser.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ local specialModList = {
["socketed lightning spells have (%d+)%% increased spell damage if triggered"] = function(num) return { mod("Damage", "INC", num, nil, ModFlag.Spell, { type = "SocketedIn", keyword = "lightning" }, { type = "Condition", var = "SkillIsTriggered" }) } end,
["arrows always pierce"] = { mod("PierceChance", "BASE", 100, nil, ModFlag.Attack) },
["arrows that pierce cause bleeding"] = { flag("ArrowsThatPierceCauseBleeding") },
["during flask effect, damage penetrates (%d+)%% of resistance of each element for which your uncapped elemental resistance is highest"] = function(num) return {
["during flask effect, damage penetrates (%d+)%% o?f? ?resistance of each element for which your uncapped elemental resistance is highest"] = function(num) return {
mod("LightningPenetration", "BASE", num, { type = "Condition", var = "UncappedLightningResistIsHighest" }),
mod("ColdPenetration", "BASE", num, { type = "Condition", var = "UncappedColdResistIsHighest" }),
mod("FirePenetration", "BASE", num, { type = "Condition", var = "UncappedFireResistIsHighest" }),
Expand All @@ -746,6 +746,9 @@ local specialModList = {
["cannot leech mana"] = { flag("CannotLeechMana") },
["cannot leech when on low life"] = { flag("CannotLeechLife", { type = "Condition", var = "LowLife" }), flag("CannotLeechMana", { type = "Condition", var = "LowLife" }) },
["cannot leech life from critical strikes"] = { flag("CannotLeechLife", { type = "Condition", var = "CriticalStrike" }) },
["modifiers to claw damage also apply to unarmed"] = { flag("ClawDamageAppliesToUnarmed") },
["modifiers to claw attack speed also apply to unarmed"] = { flag("ClawAttackSpeedAppliesToUnarmed") },
["modifiers to claw critical strike chance also apply to unarmed"] = { flag("ClawCritChanceAppliesToUnarmed") },
local keystoneList = {
-- List of keystones that can be found on uniques
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ Head over to the [Releases](

## Changelog
### 1.3.25 - 2017/04/06
* You can now export and import builds directly to/from links
* Added support for the "Claw X also apply to Unarmed" modifiers on Rigwald's Curse
* The conditional penetration modifier on imported copies of The Wise Oak should now be recognised correctly

### 1.3.24 - 2017/04/05
This update adds support for Life/Mana Leech and Life/Mana/ES Gain on Hit:
* All sources of Leech and Gain on Hit are supported, including "Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you"
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
* You can now export and import builds directly to/from links
* Added support for the "Claw X also apply to Unarmed" modifiers on Rigwald's Curse
* The conditional penetration modifier on imported copies of The Wise Oak should now be recognised correctly
This update adds support for Life/Mana Leech and Life/Mana/ES Gain on Hit:
* All sources of Leech and Gain on Hit are supported, including "Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you"
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions manifest.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Expand All @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
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Expand All @@ -44,21 +44,21 @@
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<File sha1="7d0513cd27337b904889dc34b651163a81c34eaa" name="Modules/Build.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="8a07fe01c53b785ebb6256236e781fbaabd36c0e" name="Modules/BuildList.lua" part="program"/>
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<File sha1="8a4c1896b22b0d24105dd508a556d68dc5ac036f" name="Modules/Calcs.lua" part="program"/>
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Expand All @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<File sha1="4e82aafe55b1ef7a42e590f6fd6d30ca8430d15b" name="Data/Gems/sup_dex.lua" part="program"/>
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<File sha1="91ba12a1eeb94fa8d20e959a4d3b97a8dafab0b6" name="Data/Bases/amulet.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="9871414663d5da9fa564f959e42dcdc22c66f486" name="Data/Bases/axe.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="8504a4003c30cdfb94f354faa2789de7712cee1c" name="Data/Bases/belt.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="14a674f0b530fb7604580165db93cd8944f33843" name="Data/Bases/body.lua" part="program"/>
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
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<File sha1="4fbaf5151664b31057bebab733ba8537a4388a66" name="Data/Bases/sword.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="8ef2fa5612846d7795aabe655b36a0fd46ad8260" name="Data/Bases/wand.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="6dcd3fdd4466645513d14c8af638c9f665514901" name="Data/Uniques/amulet.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="886d02b814d3c311e2c6dc0ad2dab644f4095a6d" name="Data/Uniques/amulet.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="595e3816af08514a6d86b53f737bff913d953c69" name="Data/Uniques/axe.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="5b4826e6f9242b68a4fe3f008bdd1204cda58f85" name="Data/Uniques/belt.lua" part="program"/>
<File sha1="7ecea8e2420fdcab13e0338c2491eb802d7f8e74" name="Data/Uniques/body.lua" part="program"/>
Expand Down

0 comments on commit b89d521

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