govm is a command line tool for managing local go versions, which allows you to switch between different go versions more easily and quickly, and focus more on development work. It is a small tool that I wrote based on my usual usage habits and other similar open source tools. Since it is written in pure go, it can support mainstream windows, linux, and macos well.
If you have a go environment and the version is greater than go1.16, you can use go install to install
$ go install github.com/Open-Source-CQUT/govm/cmd/govm@latest
Or you can download the latest binary file for the corresponding platform in Release. Currently, only releases for windows, macos, and linux are provided.
Install the govm file to the /var/lib/govm
directory, and then link it to /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s /var/lib/govm/govm /usr/local/bin/govm
Check whether govm is available
$ govm version
govm versoin v1.0.0 linux/amd64
Use the install command to download the latest version
$ sudo govm install --use
Add the following content to $HOME/.bashrc
eval "$(govm profile -s --shell=bash)"
After re-login to the shell, test whether the go environment is available
$ go version
go version go1.22.5 linux/amd64
Add the location of govm.exe
to the PATH system variable, and then confirm whether govm is available
$ govm version
govm versoin v1.0.0 windows/amd64
Add the following content to the %HOME/.bashrc
eval "$(govm profile -s --shell=gitbash)"
Add the following file to the $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
file. If the file does not exist, create it manually
govm profile -s --shell=powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
Re-login to the shell and test whether the go environment is available
$ go version
go version go1.22.5 windows/amd64
Install the govm binary file to the /var/lib/govm
directory, and then link it to the /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s /var/lib/govm/govm /usr/local/bin/govm
Check whether govm is available
$ govm version
govm versoin v1.0.0 darwin/amd64
Use the install command to download the latest version
$ sudo govm install --use
Add the following content to the $HOME/.zshrc
eval "$(govm profile -s --shell=bash)"
Re-login to the shell and test whether the go environment is available
$ go version
go version go1.22.5 darwin/amd64
If you are a user of other platforms, go to Go supported platforms to check whether your platform is supported, and then follow the steps below to compile.
First clone the source code to your local
$ git clone https://github.com/Open-Source-CQUT/govm.git
Switch to a specific version
$ git checkout tags/v1.0.0
Make sure you have the go compiler and make installed locally, and then execute your os and arch as parameters, as shown below
$ make build mode=release os=linux arch=amd64
After the compilation is completed, the compiled binary file will be generated in the bin/release/
directory of the current project. Execute the following command to check whether it runs normally. The following output indicates that the compilation is successful.
$ ./govm version govm version untag linux/amd64
$ govm -h
govm is a tool to manage local Go versions
govm [command]
Available Commands:
clean Clean local cache and redundant versions
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Manage govm configs
current Show current using Go version
help Help about any command
install Install specified Go version
list List local installed Go versions
profile Show profile env
search Search available go versions from remote
uninstall Uninstall specified Go version
use Use specified Go version
version Show govm version
-h, --help help for govm
-s, --silence Do not show any tip, warn, error
Use "govm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
govm has a total of 10 commands, most of which are very simple. The following is a simple demonstration of the use of the main commands.
Search for available go versions. You can use regular expressions to match. By default, the first 20 items are sorted from high to low by version.
$ govm search
go1.22.6 69 MB
go1.22.5 69 MB
go1.22.4 69 MB
go1.22.3 69 MB
go1.22.2 69 MB
go1.22.1 69 MB
go1.22.0 69 MB
go1.21.13 67 MB
go1.21.12 67 MB
go1.21.11 67 MB
go1.21.1 67 MB
Search for a specific version
$ govm search 1.18 -n 10
go1.18.10 142 MB
go1.18.9 142 MB
go1.18.8 142 MB
go1.18.7 142 MB
go1.18.6 142 MB
go1.18.5 142 MB
go1.18.4 142 MB
go1.18.3 142 MB
go1.18.2 142 MB
go1.18.1 142 MB
Install the specified go version. If no parameters are specified, the latest version will be installed
$ govm install
Fetch go1.22.6 from https://dl.google.com/go/go1.22.6.windows-amd64.zip
Downloading go1.22.6.windows-amd64.zip 100% |█████████████████████████████████████| (76/76 MB, 34 MB/s) [2s]
Extract go1.22.6.windows-amd64.zip to local store
Remove archive from cache
Version go1.22.6 installed
Install and set to use version
$ sudo govm install 1.20.14
Fetch go1.20.14 from https://dl.google.com/go/go1.20.14.windows-amd64.zip
Downloading go1.20.14.windows-amd64.zip 100% |████████████████████████████████████| (114/114 MB, 32 MB/s) [3s]
Extract go1.20.14.windows-amd64.zip to local store
Remove archive from cache
Version go1.20.14 installed
Use go1.20.14 now
Set an installed version as the used version
$ govm use 1.22.5
Use go1.22.5 now
View the locally installed version
$ govm list
go1.22.6 (*)
Uninstall a specific version
$ sudo govm uninstall 1.22.5
Version 1.22.5 uninstalled
For more help information, please view it through govm command help
The configuration file of govm is stored in $HOME/.govm/config.toml
in all systems. You can view the configuration by the following command
$ govm config
proxy=(system proxy)
The default download mirror of govm is to use the go official website. Chinese users are recommended to use the latter two
- Google: https://dl.google.com/go/, default
- Alibaba Cloud: https://mirrors.aliyun.com/golang/
- Nanjing University: https://mirrors.nju.edu.cn/golang/
Use the following command to modify the mirror.
$ govm cfg -w mirror=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/golang/
The default version list uses the API provided by go officially
Modify it according to the following command
$ govm cfg -w listapi=your_cdn
The system proxy is used by default, and you can also specify the proxy manually, modify it with the following command
$ govm cfg -w proxy=your_proxy
The default storage location is in the .govm/store/
directory, modify it with the following command
$ govm cfg -w install=new_pos