A Slack bot for CloudFlare.
Configure cachebot using environment variables:
Environment variable | Description |
AUTHORISED_USERS | Users authorised to use cachebot |
CF_TOKEN | CloudFlare API token |
CF_EMAIL | CloudFlare account e-mail |
CF_ZONE | CloudFlare Zone ID |
TRIGGER_PHRASE | the substring trigger for URLs (default: clear cache ) |
RESTRICTED_CHANNELS | Channels which require an authorised user |
SLACK_TOKEN | Slack API token |
URL_BASES | Base URL(s), comma separated |
URL_SUFFIXES | URL suffixes, comma separated |
- Start cachebot
cachebot to a channel- Ask cachebot to clear your cache:
clear cache
clear cache for /some/uri
By default, cachebot will allow any user to clear the cache.
With a restricted channel set, access is restricted to a set of authorised users.
For example, if you have a channel with guest users in, you can limit use of cachebot to specific named users.
# Only 'foo' and 'bar' users can use cachebot in the 'support' channel.
# cachebot works as normal in all other channels.
If you deploy to Elastic Beanstalk, you'll need to add an EXPOSE
line to
the Dockerfile. Cachebot doesn't listen on any ports, but Elastic Beanstalk
prevents deployments of apps without it.
- Copyright © 2016, Ian Kent http://iankent.uk.
- Copyright © 2023, ONS
Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.