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Milestone 2: Error reporting UX

Past due by over 1 year 30% complete
  • Design a user-friendly error reporting format
  • Integrate error reporting across different validation technologies and libraries
  • Reduce noise from JSON Schema error reporting as much as possible
  • Set up proper unit testing with tox and code coverage (40% statement coverage, to be increased in milestones 3 and 4)
  • Fill in any major gaps in syntax validation –…
  • Design a user-friendly error reporting format
  • Integrate error reporting across different validation technologies and libraries
  • Reduce noise from JSON Schema error reporting as much as possible
  • Set up proper unit testing with tox and code coverage (40% statement coverage, to be increased in milestones 3 and 4)
  • Fill in any major gaps in syntax validation – any validation of this sort remaining should be possible to accomplish with easy extensions of existing functionality
  • Improve user documentation – while not yet being an installable package on PyPI, this milestone should be accessible to most users capable of writing a non-trivial OAS document