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Implements neutrino interaction systematics for GENIE3 events (including an interface to GReWeight) in the systematicstools framework.

To Build

nusystematics will by default build systematicstools for you, but requires ROOT v6+ and GENIE v3+ to be set up in the environment at the time of configuration. Requires cmake 3.21+ (see here for updating CMake hints).

Having checked out the repository in /path/to/repo:

cd /path/to/repo
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
make install -j 8

What if you want to use your own copy of systematicstools

If you want to use a source distribution of systematicstools that you are modifying, then configure with:

cmake .. -DCPM_systematicstools_SOURCE=/path/to/systematicstools

if you want to use a binary distribution that you have built elsewhere, you need to make sure that systematicstools_ROOT is defined in the environment, and then it should be picked up automatically by CPMFindPackage. Check the configuration output for a line like:

-- CPM: using local package systematicstools@(...)

Adding a new systprovider

First off, read documentation describing systematicstools design choices here.

Configuration is 'two step', first from a tool configuration FHiCL file, which produces the parameter headers FHiCL file that is used for the second step. The parameter headers file is then used to configure an instance of your systprovider into a state where it can produce event responses. For more high-level information on writing a provider, see here.

The rest of this section will give short, documented examples of a skeleton systprovider implementation. Full implementation can be found in SkeleWeighter_tool.hh and


#pragma once

#include "nusystematics/interface/IGENIESystProvider_tool.hh"

#include "RwCalculators/GReWeightNuXSecCCQE.h"

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"

#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

class SkeleWeighter : public nusyst::IGENIESystProvider_tool {
  explicit SkeleWeighter(fhicl::ParameterSet const &);

  //'First' configuration step: tool configuration
  // - takes 'arbitrary' FHiCL configuration and
  //   produces SystMetaData object which can later be used to configure a
  //   specific set of parameter values to be calculated
  systtools::SystMetaData BuildSystMetaData(fhicl::ParameterSet const &,

  //'Second' configuration step: parameter headers
  // - Reads the preconstructed SystMetaData produced by BuildSystMetaData
  //   to configure an instance of this class to calculate weights
  // - Recieves a copy of the tool_options instance constructed by 
  //   BuildSystMetaData as an argument
  bool SetupResponseCalculator(fhicl::ParameterSet const &);

  // Used to pass arbitrary FHiCL options from the tool configuration to the
  //   parameter headers.
  fhicl::ParameterSet GetExtraToolOptions() { return tool_options; }

  // Parameter-specific implementation goes in here
  systtools::event_unit_response_t GetEventResponse(genie::EventRecord const &);

  // Can add as much or as little stateful information here for use when
  // representing this instance as a string.
  std::string AsString() { return "SkeleWeighter"; }


  // arbitrary additional configuration from the tool configuration/parameter
  // headers can be storeds here
  fhicl::ParameterSet tool_options;

  // The ParamHeaders id of the four free parameters provided by this
  // systprovider
  std::array<size_t, 4> pidx_Params;

  // The configured variations to precalculate for the four parameters
  std::array<double, 4> CVs;
  std::array<std::vector<double>, 4> Variations;

  // Concrete example is more clear with some actual implementation, we will use
  // some GENIE reweight engines.
  std::array<std::vector<genie::rew::GReWeightNuXSecCCQE>, 4> ReWeightEngines;

  // configurable verbosity as an example of some arbitrary systprovider
  // configuration
  int verbosity_level;

Tool Configuration

SystMetaData SkeleWeighter::BuildSystMetaData(fhicl::ParameterSet const &ps,
                                              paramId_t firstId) {
  SystMetaData smd;
  SystParamHeader responseParam;

  // loop through the four named parameters that this tool provides
  for (std::string const &pname : ParamPrettyNames) {
    SystParamHeader phdr;

    // Set up parameter definition with a standard tool configuration form
    // using helper function.
    if (ParseFhiclToolConfigurationParameter(ps, pname, phdr, firstId)) {
      phdr.systParamId = firstId++;

      // set any parameter-specific ParamHeader metadata here
      phdr.isSplineable = true;

      // add it to the metadata list to pass back.

  // Put any options that you want to propagate to the ParamHeaders options
  tool_options.put("verbosity_level", ps.get<int>("verbosity_level", 0));

  return smd;

Parameter Headers Configuration

bool SkeleWeighter::SetupResponseCalculator(
    fhicl::ParameterSet const &tool_options) {
  verbosity_level = tool_options.get<int>("verbosity_level", 0);

  // grab the pre-parsed param headers object
  SystMetaData const &md = GetSystMetaData();

  // loop through the named parameters that this tool provides, check that they
  // are configured, and grab their id in the current systmetadata and set up
  // and pre-calculations/configurations required.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamPrettyNames.size(); ++i) {

    if (!HasParam(md, ParamPrettyNames[i])) {
      if (verbosity_level > 1) {
        std::cout << "[INFO]: Don't have parameter " << ParamPrettyNames[i]
                  << " in SystMetaData. Skipping configuration." << std::endl;
    pidx_Params[i] = GetParamIndex(md, ParamPrettyNames[i]);

    if (verbosity_level > 1) {
      std::cout << "[INFO]: Have parameter " << ParamPrettyNames[i]
                << " in SystMetaData with ParamId: " << pidx_Params[i]
                << ". Configuring." << std::endl;

    auto param_md = md[pidx_Params[i]];

    CVs[i] = param_md.centralParamValue;
    Variations[i] = param_md.paramVariations;

    // in the concrete version of this example we're going to configure a
    // GENIE GReWeightNuXSecCCQE instance for each configured variation.
    for (auto v : Variations[i]) {
      static std::array<genie::rew::GSyst_t, 4> const gdials{

      // instantiate a new weight engine instance for this variation
      // set its systematic
      ReWeightEngines[i].back().SetSystematic(gdials[i], v);
      // configure it to weight events
      if (verbosity_level > 2) {
        std::cout << "[LOUD]: Configured GReWeightNuXSecCCQE instance for "
                     "GENIE dial: "
                  << genie::rew::GSyst::AsString(gdials[i])
                  << " at variation: " << v << std::endl;
  // returning cleanly
  return true;

Event Responses

SkeleWeighter::GetEventResponse(genie::EventRecord const &ev) {

  event_unit_response_t resp;
  SystMetaData const &md = GetSystMetaData();

  // return early if this event isn't one we provide responses for
  if (!ev.Summary()->ProcInfo().IsQuasiElastic() ||
      !ev.Summary()->ProcInfo().IsWeakCC() ||
      ev.Summary()->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
    return resp;

  // loop through and calculate weights
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ParamPrettyNames.size(); ++i) {
    // this parameter wasn't configured, nothing to do
    if (pidx_Params[i] == kParamUnhandled<size_t>) {

    // initialize the response array with this paramId
    resp.push_back({md[pidx_Params[i]].systParamId, {}});

    // loop through variations for this parameter
    for (size_t v_it = 0; v_it < Variations[i].size(); ++v_it) {

      // put the response weight for this variation of this parameter into the
      // response object
      if (verbosity_level > 3) {
        std::cout << "[DEBG]: For parameter " << md[pidx_Params[i]].prettyName
                  << " at variation[" << v_it << "] = " << Variations[i][v_it]
                  << " calculated weight: " << resp.back().responses.back()
                  << std::endl;

  return resp;

Generating the Parameter Headers File

An example Tool Configuration for this systprovider can be found in SkeleWeighgter.ToolConfig.fcl, it contains:

 MySkeleProvider_toolconfig: {
    tool_type: "SkeleWeighter"
    instance_name: "myskele"

    p1_variation_descriptor: "(-3,3,1)"
    p2_variation_descriptor: "(-3,3,1)"
    p3_variation_descriptor: "(-3,3,1)"
    p4_variation_descriptor: "(-3,3,1)"

    verbosity_level: 5

syst_providers: [MySkeleProvider_toolconfig]

It can be processed to a parameter header file like: GenerateSystProviderConfigNuSyst -c ./fcl/SkeleWeighter.ToolConfig.fcl which produces the below output:

generated_systematic_provider_configuration: { 
	SkeleWeighter_myskele: { 
		instance_name: myskele 

		p1: { isSplineable: true paramVariations: [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] prettyName: p1 systParamId: 0 } 
		p2: { isSplineable: true paramVariations: [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] prettyName: p2 systParamId: 1 } 
		p3: { isSplineable: true paramVariations: [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] prettyName: p3 systParamId: 2 } 
		p4: { isSplineable: true paramVariations: [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] prettyName: p4 systParamId: 3 } 
		parameter_headers: [p1, p2, p3, p4] 
		tool_options: { verbosity_level: 5 } 

		tool_type: SkeleWeighter 
	syst_providers: [SkeleWeighter_myskele] 

Fetch CMake 3.21

If you just want a local build of cmake for this package and do not want to update your system cmake, you can try the below recipe.

cd /path/to/repo
tar -zxf v${CMAKEVERSION}.tar.gz
make -j 8
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:${PATH}
which cmake; cmake --version


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