Snippets and Examples for using Camunda with Robot Framework
Over time this repositiry is supposed to grow a collection from real requests coming from several sources.
You likely get quickest feedback from Camunda channel at Robot Framework Slack. You can invite yourself at:
Robot Framework forum has a board for questions around camunda:
Open a question at the issue board of this GitHub repositiory.
The best way to learn Robot Framework is by writing your own first Test Case or Task. You can find starting material here:
There are many ways to set up Camunda Platform, as there are many ways to set up Robot Framework.
I recommend using the [official docker image] of the powerful community edition by running:
docker run -d --name camunda -p 8080:8080 camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest
You access your local Camunda platform on http://localhost:8080 . Username: demo
- Password: demo
You require Python 3 SDK on your environment. It might work with Python 2, but that is not tested and expected to create trouble at some point. When you install CamundaLibrary, Robot Framework will be installed automatically as required dependency:
pip install -U robotframework-camunda
When you now checkout this repository at run it with you python environment, you should see results:
robot -d logs .