By Noemi Diaz
This folder contains some python programs that displays the following tasks:
Program that displays Hello World! when It runs
Prompt the user, reading two money amounts and ptinting out in a human readable format with an euro sign and point between the euro and cent of the amount
Program that takes a 10-character account number and displays it with only the last 4 digits visible, while first 6 digits are replaced with Xs
Program to deal with accounts numbers with any type of length and mask last 4 digit
In this program the user enter any positive integer and the program ends when the value is 1
Program that determinates wether the current day is a weekday
Create a program that takes a floating positive number and gives an approximate square root using Newton's method
Program which reads a text file and displays the count of the letter 'e' it contains
Program that displays a histogram of a normal distribution of a 1000 values with a mean of 5 and standard deviation of 2
Program that displays a plot of the function h(x)=x3 in the range 0 to 10
This "weekly-task" folder is organized by weeks, with each week containing a specific task implemented using Python programming language. These tasks are highly practical, focusing on real-world scenarios.
Beginners getting started with programming willl find this folder useful. It is a good tool for acquiring fundamental Python skills.
Below you will find some references from official websites with tutorials videos, examples and theoretical explanation.These resources complement and expand upon the knowledge covered in these task.
You can submit a pull request regarding my code if you discover an error or if It should be updated.
I am Noemi Diaz and I am currently studying Science in Computing in Data Analytics at ATU.
Data Quest:
Medium examples:
Numpy GitHub :
Numpy org:
W3schools on files: