bun i
Create a P2WPKH (SegWit) Address: Generate a Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash address.
Fund the Address: Deposit funds into this address.
In file runes.ts:
PRIVATE_KEY: Enter your private key here.
FEE_RATE: Specify the fee rate you're willing to pay for each mint transaction in satoshis per virtual byte (sat/vB).
MINT_COUNT: Define how many mint transactions will be batched together. Your initial deposit will be divided into this number of parts, with each part used for one mint transaction.
Initial Configuration:
The project is set up to mint the rune named NINTONDO with the ID 1:0. You can view this rune at:
Changing the Rune:
To mint a different rune, modify the RuneId parameters in the following code:
const mintstone = new Runestone([], none(), some(new RuneId(1, 0)), some(1));
bun runes.ts
Bellscoin RuneMint is open-source and community funded.
If you can, please consider donating!
The donation address is bel1qs0k3zuv7achxquxhs3rqjjc93tc3hc6dfmnv2z.
Bellscoin received will go towards funding maintenance and development of Bells ecosystem.
Thank you for donating!