Junior web developer/software engineer. Successful eight year career in Marketing and currently a pupil in all things object-oriented. Studied code at Makers Academy and fell in love with software programming and design. Seeking an entry-level developer role with a focus on TDD/BDD, software craftsmanship and continued learning and innovation.
You can read more about my journey through Makers on my blog.
Project Name | Description |
[angular-shop] (https://github.com/NicolePell/angular-shop) | a responsive single page angular web shop with six clothing categories. |
pandapop | pandapop! is a social karaoke web player for YouTube karaoke videos. Test driven and built during 2 weeks as a final project at Makers Academy |
Table Tennis Tournament | A web app designed to manage a table tennis tournament built using Sinatra, PostgreSQL and Ruby |
Jumparound | A web app built during a 3-day hackathon at Makers using Rails and GMaps. The app is designed to help locate "Sean's" jumper and post sightings on the map. |
backgammon (in progress) | A strategy board game built in Ruby |
Strong | Know | Touched on | |
Languages | Ruby, Javascript | CSS3, HTML5, jQuery | IO, Coffeescript, Python, Java |
Databases/ORMS | PostGresQL, DataMapper | ActiveRecord, MongoDB | |
Frameworks | Sinatra, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS | Node.js, Express.js | |
Testing | RSpec, Jasmine, Capybara | Cucumber, FactoryGirl, Karma, Protractor | Zombie, Poltergeist |
Other | Version control through Github | Heroku deployment, Agile methodologies |
Highly selective 12 week intensive coding bootcamp.
- Focussed on pair programming, test driven development, agile practices
- Object oriented programming, software design
- Full stack web development
- Final project: pandapop! - a Rails 4 social karaoke app for YouTube videos created in 10 days.
CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing: June 2010 - 2011
BA Communications: January 2004 - December 2008
Graduate Helper, RedLaw: December 2014 - Present
Support students and the academic team, scaffold pairing, organise breakout sessions
Marketing Manager, RedLaw: January 2012 - September 2014
Responsible for the marketing function including budget management, strategy, planning, sales monitoring and forecasting
Senior Sales & Marketing Executive, CIPD Publishing: February 2011 - January 2012
Develop, implement and analyse marketing campaigns for online and offline publishing products
Marketing Executive, International Bar Association: December 2008 - February 2011
Create and run campaigns for promotion of global events and publications
Marketing Officer, South African Music Rights Organisation: November 2007 - August 2008
Responsible for a wide range of marketing activities web administration and brand strategy
Kung-Fu, Guitar, Table Tennis
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 07585309858
- Github: @NicolePell
- Twitter: @niccipell
- LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/nicolepellicena/
- Blog: www.niccipell.wordpress.com