This is a Bash function designed to provide a simpler interface for querying logs from a Kubernetes cluster. The function is a wrapper around stern
. I recommend learning stern
instead of using this function. As this is a poorly implemented wrapper around stern
for the lazy.
Please note this is simple helper and not fully featured.
It is designed to be a quick way to get logs from a Kubernetes cluster with an interactive interface. The interactive interface will fetch contexts and namespaces from which the user can select before running & will guide user through creating a time range from which to fetch logs.
The function will automatically detect the context namespace and kubernetes context if they are not provided. If you wish to query logs from a single pod. Please use kubectl logs
Logs will be outputted as raw and can be piped into other commands like awk
, jq
or yq
for further processing.
Usage: lazystern [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Display this help message
-i, --interactive Enable interactive mode
-s, --since Display logs since the specified time (passed to stern)
Default: 48h, Format: [<num>m, <num>h] days, weeks, months & years are not valid
-t, --to Display logs until the specified time (used to filter logs with awk)
Format: ISO 8601, e.g. 2021-08-01T00:00:00.000Z
-n, --namespace Specify the kubernetes namespace to fetch logs from
-c, --context Specify the kubernetes context to fetch logs from
-f, --follow Follow logs
Wrapper around GNU date (coreutil)
# ISO Helper
# -d Option accepts
# Modifiers relative to now in order to build ISO datetime
# See GNU date coreutil relative items docs for syntax.
# Example:
# +1 day -4 hour -2 weeks +2 minutes +1 second
iso -d "-2 days"
Stern does not allow for collecting logs in a time window. Instead will get logs since a time. In order to This function will fetch all logs from the provided since time and then use awk
to filter logs past the provided TO datetime.
# with named options and full name
lazystern --namespace your-namespace --context your-context --since 1h --to $(iso -d "-30 minutes");
# using alias and short options for the lazy
lstern -n <namespace> -c <context> -s <stern since option> -t <DateTime ISO>;
# Run the interactive mode
lstern -i;
lstern --interactive;
# show pretty error logs
lstern -s 10m | grep 'error' | jq '.';
# show pretty logs from interactive mode
lstern -i | jq '.'
This function requires the following dependencies to be installed:
To install the function:
- download it and add it to your
# Clone the repository
git clone --depth 1 ~/.lazy-stern
# Source the file in your shell profile
# If you use zsh use .zshrc instead of .bashrc
echo "source ~/.lazy-stern/" >> ~/.bashrc
This function makes use of gdate
instead of date
. If you are using linux please create a symlink to gdate
as date
sudo ln -s $(which date) /bin/gdate
Thank you for considering contributing to LazyStern! To contribute, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository and create a new branch.
- Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
- Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message.
- Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request.
Please ensure your code adheres to the existing code style and conventions.
If you encounter any issues with LazyStern, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub. I welcome bug reports, feature requests, and general feedback.
LazyStern is open source software licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.