Just a Telegram Library for Dart.
A package to interact with the official
I'm doing it just for fun, so... use at your own risk.
I hope it will become something great.
First build the .g files for Serializable (if you clone the repo):
pub run build_runner build
A simple usage example:
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:paperplane/paperplane.dart';
void main() {
var token = 'Just A Token';
var bot = PaperPlane.createBot(token);
// Work with events...
.where((message) => message.text == 'owo')
.listen((message) => message.replyText(text: 'uwu'));
// Work with updates and directly with methods...
var api = bot.api;
var updater = bot.updater.onUpdate();
.where((onUpdate) => onUpdate.message.text == 'animate')
.listen((update) => api.sendAnimation(
chat_id: message.chat.id,
animation: Luggage.withFile(file: io.File('./files/gifs/bunny_girl.gif'))));
Add PaperPlane dependency on pubspec.yaml
From GitHub:
git: https://github.com/Nebulino/PaperPlane.git
ref: branch-name
From pub.dev:
paperplane: ^0.6.5
Still, the Webhook needs more tests.
You can use Long Polling mode for now.
I have created all Telegram API Classes for each Telegram Types.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.