$ ./install.sh
Nodejs, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby developer this repo is for you
- neovim and configuration for Nodejs, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby developer
- nodejs
- php and ps-cs-fixer
- yarn
- zsh
- tmux
- alacritty
- font-hack-nerd-font
- postman
- iterm2
- terraform
- ctags
- cocopods
- awscli
- other will update soon
This dotfile for MacOS user but if you are using linux and you're instesting about vim configuration use can just run this
ln -s ~/dotfiles/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
then you will get all vim stuff
I will keep update repo and software dependency there is a lot of thing in progress to update. keep intouch I will update everyday
Ps. This repo is up to date and ready to use, I will keep update config and setting.