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Adding a temporary fix for closed seas (see #149)
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jdha committed Jan 15, 2024
1 parent e808bc6 commit 8062a1e
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Showing 2 changed files with 538 additions and 0 deletions.
269 changes: 269 additions & 0 deletions MY_SRC/4.2.1/closea.F90
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@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
MODULE closea
!! *** MODULE closea ***
!! User define : specific treatments associated with closed seas
!! History : 8.2 ! 2000-05 (O. Marti) Original code
!! NEMO 1.0 ! 2002-06 (E. Durand, G. Madec) F90
!! 3.0 ! 2006-07 (G. Madec) add clo_rnf, clo_ups, clo_bat
!! 3.4 ! 2014-12 (P.G. Fogli) sbc_clo bug fix & mpp reproducibility
!! 4.0 ! 2016-06 (G. Madec) move to usrdef_closea, remove clo_ups
!! 4.0 ! 2017-12 (D. Storkey) new formulation based on masks read from file
!! 4.1 ! 2019-07 (P. Mathiot) update to the new input file

!! dom_clo : read in masks which define closed seas and runoff areas
!! clo_rnf : set close sea outflows as river mouths (see sbcrnf)
!! clo_msk : set to zero a field over closed sea (see domzgr)
USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager
USE diu_bulk , ONLY: ln_diurnal_only ! used for sanity check
USE iom , ONLY: iom_open, iom_get, iom_close, jpdom_global ! I/O routines
USE lib_fortran , ONLY: glob_sum ! fortran library
USE lib_mpp , ONLY: mpp_max, ctl_nam, ctl_stop ! MPP library



PUBLIC dom_clo ! called by domain module
PUBLIC clo_rnf ! called by sbcrnf module
PUBLIC clo_msk ! called in domzgr module

LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_maskcs !: logical to mask all closed sea
LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_mask_csundef !: logical to mask all undefined closed sea
LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: ln_clo_rnf !: closed sea treated as runoff (update rnf mask)

! WARNING: keep default definitions in the following lines as dom_clo is called only if ln_closea = .true.
LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_sbc_clo = .FALSE. !: T => net evap/precip over closed seas spread outover the globe/river mouth
LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: l_clo_rnf = .FALSE. !: T => Some closed seas output freshwater (RNF) to specified runoff points.

INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncsg = 0 !: number of closed seas global mappings (inferred from closea_mask_glo field)
INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncsr = 0 !: number of closed seas rnf mappings (inferred from closea_mask_rnf field)
INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ncse = 0 !: number of closed seas empmr mappings (inferred from closea_mask_emp field)

INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_opnsea, mask_csundef !: mask defining the open sea and the undefined closed sea

INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csglo , mask_csgrpglo !: mask of integers defining closed seas
INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csrnf , mask_csgrprnf !: mask of integers defining closed seas rnf mappings
INTEGER, PUBLIC, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: mask_csemp , mask_csgrpemp !: mask of integers defining closed seas empmr mappings

!! NEMO/OCE 4.0 , NEMO Consortium (2018)
!! $Id: closea.F90 13558 2020-10-02 15:30:22Z smasson $
!! Software governed by the CeCILL license (see ./LICENSE)

SUBROUTINE dom_clo()
!! *** ROUTINE dom_clo ***
!! ** Purpose : Closed sea domain initialization
!! ** Action : Read mask_cs* fields (if needed) from domain_cfg file and infer
!! number of closed seas for each case (glo, rnf, emp) from mask_cs* field.
!! ** Output : mask_csglo and mask_csgrpglo : integer values defining mappings from closed seas and associated groups to the open ocean for net fluxes.
!! mask_csrnf and mask_csgrprnf : integer values defining mappings from closed seas and associated groups to a runoff area for downwards flux only.
!! mask_csemp and mask_csgrpemp : integer values defining mappings from closed seas and associated groups to a runoff area for net fluxes.
INTEGER :: ios ! io status
NAMELIST/namclo/ ln_maskcs, ln_mask_csundef, ln_clo_rnf
READ ( numnam_ref, namclo, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 901 )
901 IF( ios /= 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namclo in reference namelist' )
READ ( numnam_cfg, namclo, IOSTAT = ios, ERR = 902 )
902 IF( ios > 0 ) CALL ctl_nam ( ios , 'namclo in configuration namelist' )
IF(lwm) WRITE ( numond, namclo )
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'dom_clo : read in masks to define closed seas '
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)'~~~~~~~'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
!! check option compatibility
IF( .NOT. ln_read_cfg ) THEN
CALL ctl_stop('Suppression of closed seas does not work with ln_read_cfg = .true. . Set ln_closea = .false. .')
IF( (.NOT. ln_maskcs) .AND. ln_diurnal_only ) THEN
CALL ctl_stop('Special handling of freshwater fluxes over closed seas not compatible with ln_diurnal_only.')
! read the closed seas masks (if they exist) from domain_cfg file (if it exists)
! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! load mask of open sea
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_opnsea )
!CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_opensea' , mask_opnsea )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'closea_mask' , mask_opnsea ) ! JDHA quick fix to use 4.0.4 closea_mask
IF ( ln_maskcs ) THEN
! closed sea are masked
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_maskcs = T : all closed seas are masked'
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
! no special treatment of closed sea
! no redistribution of emp unbalance over closed sea into river mouth/open ocean
l_sbc_clo = .false. ; l_clo_rnf = .false.
! JDHA quick fix to use 4.0.4 closea_mask
WHERE( mask_opnsea(:,:) /= 0 )
mask_opnsea(:,:) = -1
mask_opnsea(:,:) = mask_opnsea(:,:) + 1
! redistribution of emp unbalance over closed sea into river mouth/open ocean
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_maskcs = F : net emp is corrected over defined closed seas'
l_sbc_clo = .true.
! river mouth from lakes added to rnf mask for special treatment
IF ( ln_clo_rnf) l_clo_rnf = .true.
IF ( ln_mask_csundef) THEN
! closed sea not defined (ie not in the domcfg namelist used to build the file) are masked
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)' ln_mask_csundef = T : all undefined closed seas are masked'
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csundef )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csundef', mask_csundef )
! revert the mask for masking of undefined closed seas in domzgr
! (0 over the undefined closed sea and 1 elsewhere)
mask_csundef(:,:) = 1 - mask_csundef(:,:)
IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*)
! allocate source mask for each cases
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csglo )
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csrnf )
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csemp )
! load source mask of cs for each cases
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csglo', mask_csglo )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csrnf', mask_csrnf )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csemp', mask_csemp )
! compute number of cs for each cases
ncsg = MAXVAL( mask_csglo(:,:) ) ; CALL mpp_max( 'closea', ncsg )
ncsr = MAXVAL( mask_csrnf(:,:) ) ; CALL mpp_max( 'closea', ncsr )
ncse = MAXVAL( mask_csemp(:,:) ) ; CALL mpp_max( 'closea', ncse )
! allocate closed sea group masks
!(used to defined the target area in case multiple lakes have the same river mouth (great lakes for example))
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csgrpglo )
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csgrprnf )
CALL alloc_csmask( mask_csgrpemp )

! load mask of cs group for each cases
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csgrpglo', mask_csgrpglo )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csgrprnf', mask_csgrprnf )
CALL read_csmask( cn_domcfg, 'mask_csgrpemp', mask_csgrpemp )

SUBROUTINE clo_rnf( p_rnfmsk )
!! *** ROUTINE clo_rnf ***
!! ** Purpose : allow the treatment of closed sea outflow grid-points
!! to be the same as river mouth grid-points
!! ** Method : set to 1 the runoff mask (mskrnf, see sbcrnf module)
!! at the closed sea outflow grid-point.
!! ** Action : update (p_)mskrnf (set 1 at closed sea outflow)
!! subroutine parameter
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj), INTENT(inout) :: p_rnfmsk ! river runoff mask (rnfmsk array)
!! local variables
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zmsk
! zmsk > 0 where cs river mouth defined (case rnf and emp)
zmsk(:,:) = ( mask_csgrprnf (:,:) + mask_csgrpemp(:,:) ) * mask_opnsea(:,:)
WHERE( zmsk(:,:) > 0 )
p_rnfmsk(:,:) = 1.0_wp

SUBROUTINE clo_msk( k_top, k_bot, k_mask, cd_prt )
!! *** ROUTINE clo_msk ***
!! ** Purpose : Suppress closed sea from the domain
!! ** Method : Where closea_mask > 0 set first and last ocean level to 0
!! (As currently coded you can't define a closea_mask field in
!! usr_def_zgr).
!! ** Action : set k_top=0 and k_bot=0 over closed seas
!! subroutine parameter
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(inout) :: k_top, k_bot ! ocean first and last level indices
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in ) :: k_mask ! mask used to mask ktop and k_bot
CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in ) :: cd_prt ! text for control print
!! local variables
IF ( lwp ) THEN
WRITE(numout,*) 'clo_msk : Suppression closed seas based on ',TRIM(cd_prt),' field.'
WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~'
k_top(:,:) = k_top(:,:) * k_mask(:,:)
k_bot(:,:) = k_bot(:,:) * k_mask(:,:)

SUBROUTINE read_csmask(cd_file, cd_var, k_mskout)
!! *** ROUTINE read_csmask ***
!! ** Purpose : read mask in cd_filec file
! subroutine parameter
CHARACTER(LEN=256), INTENT(in ) :: cd_file ! netcdf file name
CHARACTER(LEN= * ), INTENT(in ) :: cd_var ! netcdf variable name
INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT( out) :: k_mskout ! output mask variable
! local variables
INTEGER :: ics ! netcdf id
REAL(wp), DIMENSION(jpi,jpj) :: zdta ! netcdf data
CALL iom_open ( cd_file, ics )
CALL iom_get ( ics, jpdom_global, TRIM(cd_var), zdta )
CALL iom_close( ics )
k_mskout(:,:) = NINT(zdta(:,:))
END SUBROUTINE read_csmask

SUBROUTINE alloc_csmask( kmask )
!! *** ROUTINE alloc_csmask ***
!! ** Purpose : allocated cs mask
! subroutine parameter
! local variables
INTEGER :: ierr
ALLOCATE( kmask(jpi,jpj) , STAT=ierr )
IF( ierr /= 0 ) CALL ctl_stop( 'STOP', 'alloc_csmask: failed to allocate surf array')
END SUBROUTINE alloc_csmask


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