An example configuration of the East African Coast, demonstrating how to setup new regional domains using the NEMO framework coupled with MEDUSA.
This model configuration has been developed through the SOLSTICE (Sustainable Oceans, Livelihoods and food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem research in the Western Indian Ocean) Project.
A specific region of focus includes exploring East African Coast (38.43°E to 43.06°E and 11.48°S to 1.35°S)
The model grid has 1/12° lat-lon resolution and 75 vertical levels. Featuring:
- NEMO v4.0.6
- XIOS v2.5
- FES2014 tides
- Boundary conditions from the Global model ORCA0083-N06
- Freshwater forcing (only river discharge included)
- ERA5 forcings
The following process is followed to build and get started with this configuration
git clone
cd Regional-NEMO-Medusa