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added F2 tagseq results
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SamGurr committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 0f4bc29 commit ef1d6cb
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Showing 8 changed files with 77,978 additions and 0 deletions.
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions HPC_analysis/output/Transriptomics/TagSeq_F2_juveniles/Snakefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
# input your common thread(s) here

# ALL: one rule to rule them all..
# Important!: to run this entire make of snake, the input to 'all' should be equivalent to the **final** filename at the end of the pipe
# Note: if you want to run a partial pipeline you can add an input for 'all' here that is equivalent to the output of a specific chunk (e.g. mapping)
rule all:
# remember - 4 spaces via python syntax!
# -remember - 8 spaces via pyton syntax! DO NOT LEAVE EMPTY LINES FOR INPUT OR OUTPUT
# RAW QC - check for upload succes via md5checksum
# trim 'adapters only' - currently by (i) adapter fasta and (ii) by quality score
# trim 'clean' - including additional complexity calls to omit poly-A tails (TagSeq)
# map clean reads to the current GenBank genome
# stringtie2
# to output gene abundnace matrix
# Initiate symbolic dirs to raw data - run raw QC - output multiQC report
rule rawQC:
# insert here
# insert here
echo 'start' $(date)
# load modules
module load bio/fastp/0.23.2
module load bio/fastqc/0.11.9
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/raw # make directory for trimmed fastq files and multiqc report
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/rawqc
# call dirs
# nav to dir for symbolic links
# symbolically link clean reads to fastp_multiQC dir
ln -s $RAWSEQ/*.fastq.gz ./ # call backward from the directory to the share folder, input symbolic links to 'raw' folder as $DATDIR
# make an array of sequences to trim
array=($(ls $DATDIR/*.fastq.gz)) # call the folder will all symbolically linked .fastq.gz files (without the SA* folder included)
# fastqc loop of raw reads - output fastqc files to raw folder
for i in ${{array[@]}}; do
fastqc ${{i}} --outdir $OUTDIR;
echo "QC of raw reads complete." $(date)
# activate python
source $PYTHONENV/activate # from the current directory, activates the bin of installed python packages, including multiqc
# mutliqc compiling all contents within the output folder
multiqc $OUTDIR -o $OUTDIR #Compile MultiQC report from FastQC files - output .html in current directory ( multiQC html report)
# exit python virtual envrionment
# out file
touch $BASEDIR/rawQC
echo 'end' $(date)
# trim just adapters + phred 30 - output mutliqc report
rule trim_adapters:
echo 'start' $(date)
# Trim using fastp (adapters + phred only)
# load modules needed
module load bio/fastp/0.23.2
module load bio/fastqc/0.11.9
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/trim
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/trim/adapters_only
# call dirs
# nav to data dir
# Make an array of sequences to trim
array=($(ls *.fastq.gz)) # call symbolically linked .fastq files
# fastp loop; trim the Read 1 TruSeq adapter sequence; trim poly x default 10 (to trim polyA)
for i in ${{array[@]}}; do
fastp --in1 ${{i}} --out1 $OUTDIR/adapters.${{i}} --adapter_fasta $BASEDIR/adapters.fasta -q 30 # trim phred score
fastqc $OUTDIR/adapters.${{i}} --outdir $OUTDIR # calls the files output by fastp in previous line and output into the same folder
echo "Read trimming of adapters complete." $(date)
# activate python
#source $PYTHONENV/activate # from the current directory, activates the bin of installed python packages, including multic
# navigate to all the outdir files
# mutliqc compiling all contents within the output folder
multiqc $OUTDIR -o $OUTDIR #Compile MultiQC report from FastQC files - output .html in current directory ( multiQC html report)
# exit python virtual envrionment
echo "Clean MultiQC report generated." $(date)
# out file
touch $BASEDIR/fastp_just_adapters
echo 'end' $(date)
# trim just adapters + phred 30 - output mutliqc report
rule trim_clean:
echo 'start' $(date)
# Trim using fastp (adapters + phred + poly-A tail)
# load modules needed
module load bio/fastp/0.23.2
module load bio/fastqc/0.11.9
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/trim
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/trim/clean
# call dirs
# nav to data dir
# Make an array of sequences to trim
array=($(ls *.fastq.gz)) # call the folder will all symbolically linked .fastq.gz files
# fastp loop; trim the Read 1 TruSeq adapter sequence; trim poly x default 10 (to trim polyA)
for i in ${{array[@]}}; do
fastp --in1 ${{i}} --out1 $OUTDIR/clean.${{i}} --adapter_fasta $BASEDIR/adapters.fasta --trim_poly_x 6 -q 30 -y -Y 50 # trim poly to remove poly A tail, -q to trim phred score, -y -Y 50 for seq complexity (default 30)
fastqc $OUTDIR/clean.${{i}} --outdir $OUTDIR # calls the files output by fastp in previous line and output into the same folder
echo "Read trimming of adapters complete." $(date)
# activate python
source $PYTHONENV/activate # from the current directory, activates the bin of installed python packages, including multiqc
# navigate to all the outdir files
# autliqc compiling all contents within the output folder
multiqc $OUTDIR -o $OUTDIR #Compile MultiQC report from FastQC files - output .html in current directory ( multiQC html report)
# exit python virtual envrionment
echo "Clean MultiQC report generated." $(date)
# out file
touch $BASEDIR/fastp_clean_n_prisitine
echo 'end' $(date)
# map clean reads from 'trim_clean' to the current reference genome using hisat2
rule map:
echo 'start' $(date)
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/hisat2/
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/hisat2/Airradians_map
# call dirs
REFDIR=~/refs # the reference folder
PYTHONENV=~/python_venv/bin # python enrnvrionment
DATDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/trim/clean # directory of trimmed and filtered fastq.gz files
# load modules, requires hisat2 and samtools
module load bio/hisat2/2.2.1
module load bio/samtools/1.11
# symbolically link clean reads to hisat2 dir
ln -s $DATDIR/*.fastq.gz $OUTDIR/ # call the .fastq.gz output from fastp trim - make symb link to output/hisat2
#echo "Symbolic directories successfully linked"
# activate python for hisat2-build
source $PYTHONENV/activate # activate python virtual envriomment to call python and run hisat2-build
#echo "Python virtual env activated"
# index the reference genome for Panopea generosa output index to working directory
#hisat2-build -f $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians_genome.fasta $OUTDIR/Airradians_ref # old reference genome
#hisat2-build -f $REFDIR/GCF_041381155.1_Ai_NY_cds_from_genomic.fna $OUTDIR/Airradians_ref
hisat2-build -f $REFDIR/GCF_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.fna $OUTDIR/Airradians_ref
#echo "Referece genome indexed. Starting alingment" $(date)
# exit python virtual envrionment
# nav to out dir
# This script exports alignments as bam files
# sorts the bam file because Stringtie takes a sorted file for input (--dta)
# removes the sam file because it is no longer needed
array=($(ls ./clean*.fastq.gz)) # call the symbolically linked sequences - make an array to align
for i in ${{array[@]}}; do
hisat2 -p 8 --dta -x $OUTDIR/Airradians_ref -U ${{i}} -S ${{i}}.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o ${{i}}.bam ${{i}}.sam
echo "${{i}} bam-ified!"
rm ${{i}}.sam
# out file
touch $BASEDIR/hisat2_bamified
echo 'end' $(date)
rule stringtie2:
echo 'start' $(date)
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/stringtie2
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/stringtie2/Airradians
# call dirs
BASEDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq # base directory
DATDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/hisat2/Airradians_map # directory of mapped bam files from hisat2
# load modules, requires stringtie2
module load bio/stringtie/2.2.0
array=($(ls ${{DATDIR}}/*.bam)) #Make an array of sequences to assemble
# awk example: file name clean.C9-larva-22_S77.bam - use awk to get sample name w/o .bam using . as delimiter
# run strnigtie on the array and output to the stringtie2 directory
for i in ${{array[@]}}; do #Running with the -e option to compare output to exclude novel genes. Also output a file with the gene abundances
sample_name=`echo ${{i}}| awk -F [..] '{{print $2}}'`
#stringtie -p 8 -e -B -G $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians.gff -A $OUTDIR/${{sample_name}} -o $OUTDIR/${{sample_name}}.gtf ${{i}} # old reference
stringtie -p 8 -e -B -G $REFDIR/GCF_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.gff -A $OUTDIR/${{sample_name}} -o $OUTDIR/${{sample_name}}.gtf ${{i}}
#out file
touch $BASEDIR/stringtie2_done
echo "StringTie assembly COMPLETE, starting assembly analysis" $(date)
rule abundance_matrix:
# make dirs
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/stringtie2/Airradians/merged
mkdir -p ~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/count_matrix
# load packages
module load bio/stringtie/2.2.0
module load bio/gffcompare/0.12.6
# call command names
BASEDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq # base directory
REFDIR=~/refs # direcrory with ref genome data
DATDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/stringtie2/ # outdir of the gtf stringtie2 files in
OUTDIR=~/Airradians_F2Juveniles_TagSeq/output/count_matrix # output of
cd $DATDIR # to strngtie2 gtf outputs in previous chunk
# gtf_list.txt and listGTF.txt
ls *.gtf > gtf_list.txt # list the .gtf files in output/stringtie2/Airradians
# run stringtie merge
#stringtie --merge -p 8 $REFDIR/GCF_041381155.1_Ai_NY_genomic.gff -o Airradians_merged.gtf gtf_list.txt # merge GTFs in the $DATDIR directory
#echo "Stringtie merge complete" $(date)
# run gff compaure to report accuracy of alignment to reference
#gffcompare -r $REFDIR/Argopecten_irradians_irradians.gff -G -o $DATDIR/merged $DATDIR/Airradians_merged.gtf #Compute the accuracy and pre$
#echo "GFFcompare complete, Starting gene count matrix assembly..." $(date)
# list gtf files to call in preppy
for filename in ${{DATDIR}}/*.gtf; # call the merged files output in stringtie above
do echo $(basename -- $filename) $filename;
done > $DATDIR/listGTF.txt # full root to each .gtf file in output/stringtie2 - call in as -i
# to assemble count matrix for R
# python is an alias for python_venv/bin/python (requires virtual envrionment installation on sedna)
python2 $SCRIPTS/prepDE.py3 -g $OUTDIR/Airradians_gene_count_matrix.csv -t $OUTDIR/Airradians_transcript_count_matrix.csv -i $DATDIR/listGTF.txt #Compile the gene count matrix
echo "Gene count matrix compiled." $(date)
# out file
touch $BASEDIR/complete

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