A simple python script to notify about progress on elementary OS 6.1 Odin. Used to be for 6.0 Odin Release.
If you want it to track any other Github Project, feel free to add your own url to python script.
Just run the script with
python3 fetchGithubOdin.py
or with
python3 fetchGithubOdin.py -n
if you want to get a notification, even if the State of eOS has not changed since last time you checked.
I just run it every 5 minutes with crontab. Dont use the superuser crontab because the pip3 installs deps for your user:
chmod +x ./fetchGithubOdin.py
chmod +x ./runner.sh
crontab -u USER -e
-- add a new line:
*/5 * * * * cd /PATH/TO/SCRIPT/ && /bin/bash /path/to/script/runner.sh
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install pydbus
pip3 install bs4
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Someone in reddit asked for a windows-version of the script.
So I added fetchGithubOdinWindows.py
The requirements for windows are
A Python3 installation,
pip install bs4
pip install win10toast-persist
then the script gets started with
python fetchGithubOdinWindows.py
python fetchGithubOdinWindows.py -n
To Automate it, rightclick on windows start-button -> Computer Management -> Task Scheduler.
There you can add a task, edit the Trigger to 00:00 daily and in advanced you can put it on "Every 10 minutes".
Under Actions you setup python.exe as program/script, C:/path/to/script/fetchGithubOdinWindows.py as the argument and last but not least C:/path/to/script as the starting location.
As i mainly use linux, I didn't test the windows version much.