Where's Waldo
How fast can you find Waldo and friends? Play here! 👈
This was a project following TheOdinProject curriculum. The goal of this project is to continue expanding knowledge with the React library and start working with the backend. This project utilizes Firebase as the backend and stores all game data and stats for each level.
When a player selects a level, the correct game component renders and a timer starts. A fetch call is sent to Firebase when the game component mounts and saves the coordinates for the hidden characters to state. When a player clicks on the gameboard a custom submenu pops up where the player clicked. This menu has selections for each of the hidden characters in the level. When a selection is made, the coordinates where the player clicked and the character selection they made are checked with the Firebase data to see if it matches. If it is a match the border of the character found will turn green. When the player finds all the hidden characters the timer stops and renders an "endscreen" showing the completion time and displays an input to enter name to add their score to the leaderboard.
git clone https://github.com/MustafaOzgur59/TOP-Wheres_Waldo.git
cd top-wheres_waldo
npm install
npm start