- Multiscreen Development Guide
- Multiscreen SDK download page
- Multiscreen Cloud Launched App Examples
- More advanced cloud launched examples
- Multiscreen Installed App Examples
- Download sample cloud app - http://www.samsungdforum.com/TizenGuide/tizen1731/index.html#Sample-Applications
- Build/run mobile app(s).
- Host the 'dist' directory in the TV app somewhere where it can be accessed by the TV. (If you have node.js installed in the development machine, you can do
npm install
, followed bygulp build
andgulp server
to serve the TV app locally from your development machine). - Put the TV in development mode and register the IP of a client machine (phone/laptop).
- Power cycle the TV.
- On TV, under Network Status, find IP address of the TV.
- Goto the TV developer settings page at
http://<ip address of the TV>:8001
using a browser from the registered client. - Check "Allow all content" checkbox in the settings page and submit the form (along with the CAPTCHA text).
- Download sample Tizen installed app - http://www.samsungdforum.com/TizenGuide/tizen4401/index.html
- Build/run mobile app(s).
- Build the TV app using the Tizen IDE See Below.
- Put TV in development mode and register dev machine [See Below](#how-to-put the-tv-in-development-mode?).
- Create a target on IDE that points to the TV (Go to the Connection explorer panel -> Remote device manager icon and enter the the TV IP address (The TV and the dev machine has to be in the same network).
- Run the project as a Tizen Web application (right click project -> Run as -> Tizen Web application).
For 2015 TVs, J4500, J5500 and above, (Except for J6200).
- 2015 Smart TVs J5500 and above (except J6201, 6203).
- On TV, goto Apps =>My Apps and using the remote, enter 12345 in sequence.
- Set Developer mode to On.
- Input IP Address of client (on same WiFi).
- Reboot TV.
- Download and install the IDE - http://www.samsungdforum.com/tizendevtools/sdkdownload
- Run update Manager (Install all the "extras").
- Launch IDE -> ~/tizen-sdk/ide/IDE.app
- Import the downloaded sample project (as Tizen Web project).
- Try building the project (will probably complain about cert).
- Go to Preferences-> Tizen SDK ->Security profiles,
- Create a new profile.
- Generate a certificate.
- Build the app again.