iGame 2.0b6 (4 Sep 2020)
Some changes since 2.0b5, most notably:
- Changed the gameslist file to CSV, which makes iGame to start faster and the file to be a lot smaller in size. If there is already a gameslist, iGame will read it and on next write it will convert it to csv. All genres and statistics will remain. The old plain list gamelist will not be used after this point, but it is not going to be deleted automatically
- Now iGame checks for any missing library and informs the user if it is started from the shell
- Stability/Bug fixes, GUI fixes
- New installation script
- Keep image aspect for screenshot/icon when GuiGfx is used
- Show "Unknown" genre in genres list for those games that are not categorized yet
- Fixed menu shortcuts that didn't work
- When iGame is iconified, now uses it's icon
- Open game directory from menu
- AmigaOS 4 native version added