- SCSS preprocessor
- Autoprefixer
- Simple [template engine] (https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-file-include) for HTML
- [Browser Sync] (https://www.browsersync.io) (Livereload)
- Sprite generator
- Resource minification
- Compression graphics
Install [NodeJS] (https://nodejs.org/en/) Plugin for editor [Editorconfig] (http://editorconfig.org)
Clone project In the console, go to the project folder and install the dependencies
npm install
npm install -g gulp-cli (if not installed)
- Launch a development project, server and file tracking
gulp build
- build a project for uploading to production
gulp sprite
- sprite assembly
start-frontend-project /
├── / build / # The result of the assembly. (Never edited).
├── / node_modules / # Node modules. (Never edited).
├── / src / # Source files.
│ ├── / _include / # HTML markup that is inserted into other files.
│ ├── / fonts / # Fonts.
│ ├── / images / # Original images.
│ │ └── / sprite / # Images for sprites.
│ ├── / scripts / # Project scripts.
│ ├── / sass / # See the folder structure below.
└── .editorconfig # Configuring the editor.
└── .gitignore
└── gulpfile.js # Configuration for Gulp.
└── package.json # Packages for NPM.
└── projectConfig.json # Settings and dependencies of the project.
sass /
├── / block / # Styles for blocks.
├── / elements / # Styles for elements.
├── / pages / # Styles for pages.
└── _base.scss # Basic styles. (Box sizing).
└── _mixins.scss # Mixins.
└── _sprite.scss # Sprites. (Generated by a sprite generator).
└── _typography.scss # Typography of the project.
└── _variables.scss # Variables.
└── main.scss # Compiled file.
In this file, you can add JS
and CSS
files to the project installed through NPM and not only.
ATTENTION! This is JSON. This is strict syntax; the last element in any context should not have a comma at the end of the line.
[Collection of links] (https://github.com/redwon/developer-links)