Bitcoin is decentralized payment system and the most famous cryptocurrency which has a peer-to-peer network that operates on a cryptographic protocol. Bitcoin does not rely on any centralized entity like banks or governments to ensure the system reliability. Users send and receive bitcoins (the units of currency), directly from person to person, by broadcasting digitally signed messages to the network. Transactions are recorded into a distributed, replicated public database known as the blockchain, with consensus achieved by a proof-of-work system called mining, where miners are rearward for computing power spent to support the network. In this paper we discuss the bitcoin technology, process of Bitcoin mining, and mining hardware with focus on FPGA miners.
The main objectives of this project are as follows.
- Learn about the bitcoin network and payment system
- Study cryptography basics, Cryptographic Hash Functions properties, data structures based on cryptography (Blockchain), and digital signature.
- Analyze bitcoin mining algorithm and SHA-256
- Study mining concept and compare the advantages of implementing bitcoin mining in different hardware.
- Learn about what FPGA is, describe the architecture of it, and how is the usage and applications of it in bitcoin mining compare to other hardware.
Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, FPGA, Cryptography, Hash function, SHA256, Blockchain, Digital signature, Mining.
2.1-Cryptographic Hash Functions
Property 1: Collision Resistance
Property 2: Hiding - Preimage resistance (one wayness)
Property 3: Puzzle Friendliness - Target Collision Resistance
Hash pointer
Block chain
Merkle tree
Digital signature scheme
Public Keys as Identities
3.1-Bitcoin in use
3.2-Bitcoin Concepts
Timestamp Server
Bitcoin Mining in summary
Consensus mechanism
3.3-Bitcoin blockchain data structure
Block Header
4.1-The task of Bitcoin miners
Finding a valid block
4.2-Mining Hardware
A closer look at SHA‐256
CPU mining
GPU mining
FPGA mining
ASIC mining
Requirement of FPGAs
5.2-Architecture and Structure of FPGA
Internal Architecture of LUT
Routing Architecture - switch matrix
Additional Elements In Contemporary FPGA Architectures
5.3-FPGA Programming
HDL & Synthesize
Translate process
Map process
Place and Route
Device Programming - Bitstream Generation
5.4-FPGAs Vs ASICs
5.5-FPGA As Bitcoin Miner
FPGA mining versus GPU and CPU and ASIC mining
Profitability of FPGA mining
Professional mining
Mining hardware evolution: Similarities to gold mining
A look to the future - The cycle repeats itself