♾️ Software Engineer that loves DevOps
🧑💻 OpenSource Contributor (I am looking for more opportunities)
🧪 Masters in Chemical Engineering @ Newcastle University
💭 Diving deeper into infrastructure testing
My name is Will and welcome to my Github page!
I graduated from Newcastle University with a Masters in Chemical Engineering. While completing my degree I fell in love with code and that has lead me to pursue a life in software!
I am a DevOps/Site Reliabilty Engineer with a specialization in creating and maintaining CI/CD pipelines to produce functional and secure container images as well as orchestrating those images in a Kubernetes cluster. I really enjoy using Helm to manage my Kubeneres deployments. I've also dabbled in some automated testing, including functional testing as well as infrastructure testing for Helm charts and terraform (I want to get much deeper into this).
I'm a huge fan of open source tools! Here is my 1st PR for an open source project! Specifically this was a small change in the Bitnami MinIO container image which involved modofying some shell scripts to make an environment configurable.
And here is my 2nd! This PR builds on my 1st to allow configuring the newly configurable environment variable in the Bitnami MinIO Helm chart.