AMIDR/AMID runs on python with Jupyter Notebook. To begin, follow these instructions:
- Download Anaconda at
- Open up Anaconda and run Jupyter Notebook, which should open up in your browser
- Download and extract this repository if you have not done so already
- Navigate to "User Interface.ipynb" and continue from there
- Analyzed Data: All data analyzed in the paper "AMIDR: A Complete Pulse Method for Measuring Cathode Solid-State Diffusivity".
- Figures: All figures and their construction.
- Fresh Data: Raw data not yet analyzed. Feel free to use this for practice.
- Protocols: BioLogic protocols used for AMIDR testing.
- AMIDR Paper [pre-review]: Paper submitted to JES [Warning: not yet peer-reviewed]
- AMIDR Paper SI [pre-review]: Supporting information of paper submitted to JES [Warning: not yet peer-reviewed]
- AMIDR Review (ECS 244).pptx/mp4: Presentation given at the ECS 244 conference. This is a good introduction to the program.
- Batch Analysis.ipynb: One-button notebook for bulk updating Analyzed Data.
- Dev Interface.ipynb: Similar to User Interface except used for future development. Take a peak and try to guess what's happening!
- User Interface.ipynb: Where to perform AMIDR analysis.
- User Interface Instructions.mp4: A short video tutorial of how to use the User Interface
- Backend code for AMIDR analysis. Experienced users can feel free to edit.
If you use AMIDR in your own work please cite the following paper:
M. Ball, M. Cormier, E. Zsoldos, I. Haman, S. Yu, N. Zhang, N. Phattharasupakun, M. B. Johnson, M. Metzger, C. Yang, and J. Dahn, AMIDR: A Complete Pulse Method for Measuring Cathode Solid-State Diffusivity J. Electrochem. Soc., 171, 020552 (2024).