This repo holds code for An Efficient and Rapid Medical Image Segmentation Network
Run the following code to prepare python environment
- Download download the officially provided training set: ISIC-2018
- run
python data_preprocessing/
to process datas
For ISIC-2018 dataset, we resize all images to 512 npz
file. After doing this, your dataset directory ISIC2018
should be like this:
|-- ISIC2018_Task1-2_Training_Input
|-- ISIC2018_Task1_Training_GroundTruth
|-- train
| |-- ISIC_0000000.npz
| |-- ...
| |-- ori_size.pkl
| |-- splits_all.pkl
The file splits_all.pkl
saves the partition of the dataset for ISIC-2018.
usage: python training/ [--config CONFIG_FILE_NAME] [-gpu GPU_NUM]
Train model.
-c CONFIG_FILE_NAME Configuration file name. (./configs/***.yaml)
-g GPU_NUM GPU ID(number). Only support single gpu setting.
Note that you need to set the argument validation_only
to False in config file.
Similar to Training. Set validation_only
to True to enable testing mode. Run the script
to test SHFormer on ISIC-2018 dataset.
Example for load pretrained chechpoint to test model:
python training/ --config configs/shformer_add.yaml \
--pretrain_pth pretrained_params/shformer_add.pth
The visualization code used in the paper is located in the training/trainer/