Testing and Continuous Integration Update
Noteworthy updates in this release:
- Added the googletest submodule for unit testing
- Added Coveralls integration to monitor test coverage
- Added several code tests of typical usage conditions to probe simulation accuracy
- Added Travis CI integration for continuous integration tests that run build and unit tests with different GCC compilers and MPI implementations
- Updated the default makefile to build the KMC_Lattice library and build a test executable
- Added instructions and scripts for testing the software on your own hardware
- Reorganized the files and directories to keep everything tidy
- Corrected triplet-triplet annihilation mechanism statistics
- Enhanced exciton diffusion test information output
- Improved correlated DOS models and added DOS correlation data output
- Improved time-of-flight charge transport test by adding an initial DOS energy placement option
- Improved options for Coulomb interaction calculations
This release was developed under the financial assistance award 70NANB14H012 from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology as part of the Center for Hierarchical Materials Design (CHiMaD).