django simple forum is a discussion board where people with similar interests can create and discuss various topics. You can also mention any particpant those are involved in the repsective topic in the comment. You can also receive email notifications when there is an update in the topic, when you follow the topic.
Source Code is available in Micropyramid Repository.
Modules used:
- Python >= 2.6 (or Python 3.4)
- Django = 1.9.6
- JQuery >= 1.7
- Microurl >=3.6.1
- Boto == 2.40.0
- Sendgrid == 2.2.1
- django-ses-gateway
Install django-simple-forum using the following command:
pip install django-simple-forum (or) git clone git:// cd django-simple-forum python install
Add app name in
INSTALLED_APPS = [ '..................', 'compressor', 'django_simple_forum', '..................' ]
After installing/cloning, add the following details in settings file to send emails notifications:
# AWS details AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "Your AWS Access Key" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = "Your AWS Secret Key" or SG_USER = "Your Sendgrid Username" SG_PWD = "Your Sendgrid Password"
Use virtualenv to install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can view the complete documentation here. Documentation
You can try it by hosting on your own or deploy to Heroku with a button click.
Deploy To Heroku:
We are always looking to help you customize the whole or part of the code as you like.
Visit our Django Page Here
We welcome your feedback and support, raise github ticket if you want to report a bug. Need new features? Contact us here
mailto:: "[email protected]"