For a more in-depth understanding of the project tasks, please refer to the detailed documentation located within the "ProjectBrief" folder..
o operate this site locally, it was hosted on a local server through the XAMPP control panel. For installation guidance, please visit and follow the instructions provided. To establish a seamless connection, utilize the provided database (eshop.sql) stored within the "MySQL_DB" folder.
Usable Login Credentials
Technologies for Web Applications
Task: Create a fictional e-commerce website utilizing JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, PHP, and MySQL database. The website is intended to incorporate the following functionalities:
Enable user registration and store new user information within the MySQL database.
Implement a secure login mechanism for existing users.
Develop a user-friendly shopping cart system enabling users to add items. Regardless of whether users are logged in or browsing, they can add items to their cart. However, the system permits checkout only for logged-in users.
Incorporate robust form validation for key pages like "login," "register," and "add to cart."
Upon successful login, the program is designed to:
Display detailed information about the logged-in user.
Facilitate the updating of user details directly within the database.
Present a comprehensive order history, including total items purchased per order ID and the corresponding purchase date, for the logged-in user.
Additional Features:
• A functional remove button on the cart list.
• Disable the user from adding the same item twice in the cart.
• Display different menu items, buttons and welcome messages based on whether the user is logged in or not. The icons used were also not part of the project brief.
Not logged in:
Welcom message:
Logged in:
Welcome message:
Welcome message (new customer)
- A confirm password feature on the register form