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MetricsHub Connector Maven Plugin

This is a Maven Report plugin, which is invoked by Maven's site plugin in the site lifecycle.

This plugin is designed to be used with the MetricsHub Community Connectors.

It reads the connector files from a source directory (E.g. ./src/main/connector), parses the .yaml files and produces the corresponding Reference Guide, as a set of HTML documents (through Doxia's Sink API), which is integrated into the project's documentation.

See Project Documentation for more information on how to use this plugin in your maven project.

Build instructions

This is a simple Maven Plugin project. Build with:

mvn verify

Integration Tests

While modifying the MetricsHub Connector Maven Plugin, you will want to see how your changes are reflected in a test documentation project.

Conveniently, the project comes with integration tests, i.e. a documentation project that is automatically built with the skin as it is in the workspace. The integration test is run with the below command:

mvn verify

This command builds the skin and run it against a documentation project. The result can be seen in ./metricshub-connector-maven-plugin/target/it/metricshub-connectors/site/*.html.

We recommend running http-server to browse the result. Install with:

npm install --global http-server

Launch a Web server with the generated test documentation with:

http-server metricshub-connector-maven-plugin/target/it/metricshub-connectors/target/site

In case of a build failure, the output of the build is stored in ./metricshub-connector-maven-plugin/target/it/metricshub-connectors/build.log.

Release instructions

The artifact is deployed to Sonatype's Maven Central.

The actual repository URL is, with server Id ossrh and requires credentials to deploy artifacts manually.

But it is strongly recommended to only use GitHub Actions "Release to Maven Central" to perform a release:

  • Manually trigger the "Release" workflow
  • Specify the version being released and the next version number (SNAPSHOT)
  • Release the corresponding staging repository on Sonatype's Nexus server
  • Merge the PR that has been created to prepare the next version


License is Apache-2. Each source file must include the Apache-2 header (build will fail otherwise). To update source files with the proper header, simply execute the below command:

mvn license:update-file-header