The original source code repository used for this project can be found at:
The Initial CI/CD Structure was adopted from below Azure DevOps Lab:
- Added Application Insights resource to the Terraform code to enable Continous Monitoring for the project.
- Converted GUI based Build Pipeline to YAML based build pipeline so it can be maintained with the project repository.
- Build triggers configured to target push and Pull Request CI builds in order to use as status checks for safe contribution, adhering to Git flow.
- Enabled Continous Deployment for both Pull Request and Push(to master and release branches) to Dev environment.
- This environment and Release stage can later be used to run integration tests before promoting deployment to higher stages.
- Added Continous Monitoring to the App Service via Application Insights with Release Pipeline task
- Modified Release Pipeline to have Dev, Test, Staging & Production to promote DevOps practices.
- Have stage specific variables to use same code with various configurations.
- Management of Terraform state file via appending statefile name with stage name in pipeline.
- Enabled master branch protection in GitHub repository with status checks requirement for safe contribution.