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RDFVR (RDF Validation Report) is a pure Python package to generate readable reports for the validation of RDF graphs against Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) graphs.


Install with pip (Python 3 pip installer pip3):

$ pip3 install rdfvr

Command Line Use

$ rdfvr -f /path/to/rdf_graph -ff rdf_graph_format -s path/to/schema_of_rdf_graph -sf schema_of_rdf_graph_format -m path/to/mappings -o path/to/report -of report_format


  • -f is the path of the RDF graph file to be validated (also supports multiple files)
  • -ff is the format of the RDF graph file (also supports multiple file formats when we have multiple RDF graph files)
  • -s is the path of the the RDF graph's schema
  • -sf is the format of the RDF graph's schema
  • -m is the path of mappings to shorten the report
  • -o is the path of the validation report without extension (also supports multiple files when we have multiple RDF graph files)
  • -of is the format of the validation report (also supports multiple file formats when we have multiple RDF graph files)

Full CLI Usage Options:

$ rdfvr -h
usage: rdfvr [-h] [--file FILE] [--schema SCHEMA] [--fileformat FILEFORMAT]
             [--schemaformat {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix,trig,nquads,json-ld,hext}]
             [--mappings MAPPINGS] [--output OUTPUT] [--outputformat OUTPUTFORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  File(s) of the RDF graph(s) to be validated (list[str] | str ): please use comma (no space) to split multiple file paths (e.g.
  --schema SCHEMA, -s SCHEMA
                        Schema of the RDF graph, i.e., Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) graph (str): path of the file.
  --fileformat FILEFORMAT, -ff FILEFORMAT
                        File format(s) of the RDF graph(s) to be validated (list[str] | str ). Orders should be consistent with the input of --file. Default format is
                        json-ld. If all input files have the same format, only need to write once.
  --schemaformat {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix,trig,nquads,json-ld,hext}, -sf {xml,n3,turtle,nt,pretty-xml,trix,trig,nquads,json-ld,hext}
                        File format of the schema (str). Default format is ttl.
  --mappings MAPPINGS, -m MAPPINGS
                        File of the mappings to shorten the report (str): path of the JSON file, where the key is the original text and the value is the shorter text.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Path(s) of the validation report without extension (list[str] | str ). If no value, then output will be a string. Please use comma (no space) to split
                        multiple file paths (e.g. file1,file2,file3).
                        File format(s) of the output, validation report (list[str] | str ). Orders should be consistent with the input of --output. Default format is
                        txt. Each item can only be one of {txt,html}. Please use comma (no space) to split multiple formats (e.g. format1,format2,format3). If all
                        output files have the same format, only need to write once.

Python Module Use

You can call the validation_report function of the rdfvr module as follows:

from rdfvr import validation_report
validation_report(file_path, file_format, schema, schema_format, output_path, output_format, mappings)


  • file_path is the file path (string) of a RDF graph
  • file_format is the format (string) of the RDF graph file
  • schema is the file path (string) of the RDF graph's schema
  • schema_format is the format (string) of the schema file
  • output_path is the file path (string) of the validation report without extension
  • output_format is the format (string) of the validation report, i.e., txt or html
  • mappings is the mappings (dictionary) to shorten the report

The return value is None.

The output will be either a txt file, a html file, or a string print in Bash.


RDF Validation Report (RDFVR)






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