🌍 I'm based in Ukraine💙💛
✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
🧠 Student of the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'
💼 A user-friendly web platform designed to help investors efficiently manage and analyze their cryptocurrency, stock, and forex investments.
📝 Castpress is a versatile platform that allows users to listen to posts and blogs directly through an integrated site player, offering a unique and engaging way to consume written content in audio format.
🌟 This site showcases a stylish interior with a focus on comfort and coziness, using a minimalist design with a slider of room photos and accompanying text blocks.
♾️ Zero is a Webflow Ecommerce and CMS UI kit including several carefully designed page layouts.
Meta Front-End Developer: Certificate link
Introduction to Front-End Development: Certificate link
Programming with JavaScript: Certificate link
Version Control: Certificate link
HTML and CSS in depth: Certificate link
React Basics: Certificate link
Advanced React: Certificate link
Principles of UX/UI Design: Certificate link
Front-End Developer Capstone: Certificate link
Coding Interview Preparation: Certificate link