Inspired by <DAlperin/dotfiles>.
On your macos read the flake section of home-manager.
To apply new configuration currently run:
home-manager switch --flake '.#jloos-macos'
Update dependencies:
nix flake update
Flake based nixos configuration including building a customized install image via docker (mildly inspired by
On macos you need a linux vm to build the image.
Start it with: nix run .#builder
(you will logon automatically, you can stop it with shutdown now
after you are done)
Add following line to /etc/nix/machines
ssh-ng://builder@localhost aarch64-linux /etc/nix/builder_ed25519 4 - nixos-test,benchmark,big-parallel,kvm - c3NoLWVkMjU1MTkgQUFBQUMzTnphQzFsWkRJMU5URTVBQUFBSUpCV2N4Yi9CbGFxdDFhdU90RStGOFFVV3JVb3RpQzVxQkorVXVFV2RWQ2Igcm9vdEBuaXhvcwo=
nix build .#packages.aarch64-linux.default --system 'aarch64-linux' --max-jobs 0
to build the image inside the vm. It will be transferred to ./result
Once the pi started, connect via ssh ssh jloos@pi4-nixos
or as root ssh root@pi4-nixos
git clone [email protected]:MaxDaten/.home.git
sudo ln -sf /home/jloos/.home/flake.nix /etc/nixos/flake.nix
sudo nixos-install --root / --flake
Either run on the pi:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake github:MaxDaten/.home/<commit-sha>
# for example:
# sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake github:MaxDaten/.home/12e09b66f64f46b97236ffb2eba97e41969b4c1f
or remotely:
nix run .#nixos-switch-pi4-nixos
Does not work out of the box but is already installed as a nixos module. But it has to be enabled manually on user basis:
systemctl --user enable auto-fix-vscode-server.service
systemctl --user start auto-fix-vscode-server.service
sops & sops-nix is used to manage secrets consumed by nixos.
You have to follow these steps to allow yourself to edit secrets:
- Get your age compatible key from ssh
- Add your key to
- &user age1m2xmznzaswlsyyrndx5q55tzcdzuxc0nmnawu0q8mnve8vjatyhsn2z6rc
- path_regex: secrets/[^/]+\.yaml$
- age:
- *user
The machine to consume secrets has to be imported via it's host key:
# on host machine
cat /etc/ssh/ | ssh-to-age
For me details follow documentation of sops-nix.
Main documentation about remote building:
I had some hoops to jump to get it working, now here my way with a concrete example based on this flake setup.
You want to build the pi4 installer image from jloos-macos
on pi4-nixos
# Will work after setup
nix build .#packages.aarch64-linux.default --system 'aarch64-linux' --max-jobs 0
The macos default nix installation runs via nix-daemon. The nix-daemon runs as root. The root of jloos-macos
needs to be able to access pi4-nixos
via ssh and nix has to be configured with pi4-nixos
as a remote builder.
# /etc/nix/nix.conf
builders = @/etc/nix/machines
# Allow macos user jloos to perform remote builds
trusted-users = root jloos
# /etc/nix/machines
# Last part is generated via: pi4-nixos$ base64 -w0 /etc/ssh/
ssh://pi4-nixos aarch64-linux - 4 2 nixos-test,benchmark,big-parallel,kvm - c3NoLWVkMjU1MTkgQUFBQUMzTnphQzFsWkRJMU5URTVBQUFBSUwva0lMK1VGcG1Rb1YwemREQ1BvdmQ1alFZSkNvbEpXNlVrbmQzV0FKZFggcm9vdEBwaTQtbml4b3MK
Generated a ssh key for root on macos
jloos@macos$ sudo ssh-keygen -t ed25519
jloos@macos$ sudo cat /var/root/.ssh/
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIPxyE0ilAv126v5gVToRTiH8dha0wquEvI3ZMZpPNvK root@macos
Add public key to pi4-nixos roots authorizedKeys in nixos/modules/system.nix.
users.extraUsers.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIPxyE0ilAv126v5gVToRTiH8dha0wquEvI3ZMZpPNvK root@macos"
and allow root login at machines/pi4-nixos/default.nix:
services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "yes";
Hopefully this command should be able to build the image on pi4-nixos
# Will work after setup
nix build .#packages.aarch64-linux.default --system 'aarch64-linux' --max-jobs 0
- Integrate already present home-manager managed home configs for
- Secret management via sops-nix
- Hardware Dashboard
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- Provision Dashboard via nix
- Network printing
- Home-Bridge
- Pin package
- Service not starting
- Remote building on pi4
- Add cachix