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Repository files navigation

By the end:

Resume sample view:

And your repository will include the following files:

  • index.html: The main HTML document. Contains links to all of the CSS and JS resources needed to render the resume, including resumeBuilder.js.
  • js/helper.js: Contains helper code needed to format the resume and build the map. It also has a few function shells for additional functionality. More on helper.js further down.
  • js/resumeBuilder.js: This file is empty. You should write your code here.
  • js/jQuery.js: The jQuery library.
  • css/style.css: Contains all of the CSS needed to style the page.
  • The GitHub readme file.
  • and some images in the images directory.

Your starting point...


Within helper.js, you’ll find a large collection of strings containing snippets of HTML. Within many snippets, you’ll find placeholder data in the form of %data% or %contact%.

Each string has a title that describes how it should be used. For instance, HTMLworkStart should be the first <div> in the Work section of the resume. HTMLschoolLocation contains a %data% placeholder which should be replaced with the location of one of your schools.

Your process:

The resume has four distinct sections: work, education, projects and a header with biographical information. You’ll need to:

  1. Build four javaScript objects, each one representing a different resume section. The objects that you create (including property names and the data types of their values) need to follow the schema below exactly. All properties should be included and contain a value of the type specified unless the property is marked 'optional'. Property values may contain real or fake data. Property names are case-sensitive. Make sure your javaScript objects are formatted correctly using .
  • bio contains:

          name : string
          role : string
          contacts : an object with
                mobile: string
                email: string 
                github: string
                twitter: string (optional)
                location: string
          welcomeMessage: string 
          skills: array of strings
          biopic: url
          display: function taking no parameters
  • education contains:

          schools: array of objects with
               name: string
               location: string
               degree: string
               majors: array of strings
               dates: string (works with a hyphen between them)
               url: string
          onlineCourses: array of objects with
               title: string
               school: string
               date: string (works with a hyphen between them)
               url: string
          display: function taking no parameters
  • work contains

          jobs: array of objects with
               employer: string 
               title: string 
               location: string 
               dates: string (Can be 'in progress')
               description: string 
          display: function taking no parameters
  • projects contains:

          projects: array of objects with
                title: string 
                dates: string (works with a hyphen between them)
                description: string
                images: array with string urls
          display: function taking no parameters


Udacity online resume project -basic JSON






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